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hand rearing

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just thought id ask everyone,unfortunatly today i lost my bitch megan to a rogue virus in her whom and intestine,she pupped 2 weeks ago today and i have been hand rearing the pups since 5 days old when she first went to the vets vomiting ,she got out 2 days ago and was right as rain until this evening when she was in agony and when i went to the vet he scaned again and gave her a 15/20%chance of surviving an operation ,or put her down. i made the desicion to put an end to her sufering as i never seen a dog in worse shape . anyway r.i.p megan Anyone with any rearing tips it would be great as she had 11 and i have got them all this far.i am giving them royal canine puppy milk every 2-4 hours night and day any other tips anyone else can give that has been here before would be greatfully taken


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Guest little lurcher

you must also wipe there bums to stimulant bowel movements , the bitch would normally lick them and do it that way but i wouldnt advise you doing that lol , a damp tissue or baby wipe would be ok , in about another week they will start trying grub which will ease the pressure on you but 2/3 hrly will suffice and keep them warm at all times, any more help pm me and i will give you my number


good luck mate and sorry to hear you lost your bitch

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A big litter will start lapping milk a bit quicker than a small lazy litter mate, and when they do put lactol in front of them, then weetabix, rice pudding etc; then after a couple of week's minced beef and chicken added to a little less milk and believe me it happen's quicker than you think, good luck mate.

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A big litter will start lapping milk a bit quicker than a small lazy litter mate, and when they do put lactol in front of them, then weetabix, rice pudding etc; then after a couple of week's minced beef and chicken added to a little less milk and believe me it happen's quicker than you think, good luck mate.
all good advice :thumbs: just watch the weetabix sometimes gives em the shits .. try ready break and baby food aswell good luck with em let know how your getting on with it all .. Edited by the_stig
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Guest smashygadge

me and missus did it on bottles all i can say is best to do if you want to make life a little easier at night put them in a box next to your bed and have their bottled milk at hand

thats the hard part i found but soon get used to it .11 sounds a handfull so if you have any willing freinds to take part i would also take that as an option to split them up abit then your hands aint too full .use cotton buds on arse as much as you can .well and good luck bud hope it goes well and sorry for your loss :thumbs:

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thanks everyone :clapper: been using the baby wipes for the toileting great job the only prob i have at the minute is a couple of the pups are sucking the other pups even after having their fill of milk,does anyone know if the urine will do them any harm :icon_eek:

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Guest smashygadge
thanks everyone :clapper: been using the baby wipes for the toileting great job the only prob i have at the minute is a couple of the pups are sucking the other pups even after having their fill of milk,does anyone know if the urine will do them any harm :icon_eek:



no urine should be ok if your using baby wipes.big teddy for imitation mother mate

the one i kept still thougt it was his mother at 6 month lol untill he used it for humping sessions lol then it was unfortunatly for him taken away .really best of luck :thumbs:

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thanks everyone :clapper: been using the baby wipes for the toileting great job the only prob i have at the minute is a couple of the pups are sucking the other pups even after having their fill of milk,does anyone know if the urine will do them any harm :icon_eek:



no urine should be ok if your using baby wipes.big teddy for imitation mother mate

the one i kept still thougt it was his mother at 6 month lol untill he used it for humping sessions lol then it was unfortunatly for him taken away .really best of luck :thumbs:

thanks fella just was wondering :victory: am determine to rear the whole lot with the best i can give them,anyone ive talked to ,even a couple of the vets reckon 11 wont happen but im a stubbourn fecker if they dont all get there it wont be because they didnt get 100% :big_boss:
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Guest smashygadge
thanks everyone :clapper: been using the baby wipes for the toileting great job the only prob i have at the minute is a couple of the pups are sucking the other pups even after having their fill of milk,does anyone know if the urine will do them any harm :icon_eek:



no urine should be ok if your using baby wipes.big teddy for imitation mother mate

the one i kept still thougt it was his mother at 6 month lol untill he used it for humping sessions lol then it was unfortunatly for him taken away .really best of luck :thumbs:

thanks fella just was wondering :victory: am determine to rear the whole lot with the best i can give them,anyone ive talked to ,even a couple of the vets reckon 11 wont happen but im a stubbourn fecker if they dont all get there it wont be because they didnt get 100% :big_boss:



well one my pits years ago had 11 and brought them up people said even with her being fit i should cull a few but she managed very well.so i see where the vets coming from.

it will be hard but if your focused to do the best what more can you do.first weeks will be the worst .the bottle job .id maybe even think of making up some sort of bottle holder so you can rack the bottles up then hands aint busy all time.or get some marigolds of some sort steralize them to try get rid that plasticy tasty thing tie them to bottles thats 10 to 2 bottles at a time :victory:

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thanks everyone :clapper: been using the baby wipes for the toileting great job the only prob i have at the minute is a couple of the pups are sucking the other pups even after having their fill of milk,does anyone know if the urine will do them any harm :icon_eek:


The urine will not hurt them but you'll need to watch for sores developing on any bits that get nursed on. If it gets too bad you can separate the pups if you need to. Once they are three weeks old and can lap food or milk the suck reflex will start to fade and they'll stop sucking on each other.

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