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Guest manda
bit of both spots on the belly blending into marble on top ...........








she looks exactly like mine but a baby, mines a marble with the spots on his belly. she'll look full bengal i think, she's lovely

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Didn't have the inclination to check to see if this was posted but...........


I used to skydive from an airfield near Headcorn in kent. When we were bored waiting for a lift slot to come free we'd go and watch the Lynx family that lived at one end of the airfield. They weren't that big, but still a big cat. They didn't predate upon the surrounding sheep farms and raised 2 litters that I saw. They were Lynx, not bob-cat or similar. They were well known to all the regulars at the airfield and surrounds. But there was a feeling of keeping it a secret incase too many people found out and someone got edgy.


I have no trouble beleiving that others are around, and would like to think that they could co-exist without causing a problem.


Variety is the spice of life!

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Ditchy ,just to add ,Dont be so cocky without the proof you so strongly crave .


Please don't Assume I 'Crave' or even seek anything more, Drops ;)


Mheanwhile; As long as people try to suggest I and the majority around me are liars, or at best delusional? I'll treat such with the level of contempt they are earning themselves.


Ye talk of proof? Prove everyone on this Thread, apart from you and Dawn, are Wrong.



Typical of people on a loser .Put the onus on the other guy to prove there aint ...........

I dosnt work like that and you know it . :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Round here a while back we had a wolf ,I saw it ,it even got in a mate's chicken run and he scared it off by firing into the air with his 12 bore.Farm manager's little girl announced that she'd spent the morning playing with the Alsation in the yard."What Alsation?" he asked. The thing was always getting lose from it' eccentric owner in the local gothic mansion and was known to wander several miles from home. Few years ago I saw a lion in the same area. Ten foot long ,orange. About 200 yds away basking in the fading evening sunlight in a scrubby field .Ducking ,using the wind and hedges to my advantage I eventually crept to within about 40 or 50 yards of the lion and peered through the bushes. Turned out to be a vixen and cubs all bunched up. I did'nt feel too silly. Later I did though because when I told a friend she looked at me as if I was a retard an simply said. "So you saw a lion and went closer for a better look?.Only you would do that!". :icon_redface:

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Guest manda
Round here a while back we had a wolf ,I saw it ,it even got in a mate's chicken run and he scared it off by firing into the air with his 12 bore.Farm manager's little girl announced that she'd spent the morning playing with the Alsation in the yard."What Alsation?" he asked. The thing was always getting lose from it' eccentric owner in the local gothic mansion and was known to wander several miles from home. Few years ago I saw a lion in the same area. Ten foot long ,orange. About 200 yds away basking in the fading evening sunlight in a scrubby field .Ducking ,using the wind and hedges to my advantage I eventually crept to within about 40 or 50 yards of the lion and peered through the bushes. Turned out to be a vixen and cubs all bunched up. I did'nt feel too silly. Later I did though because when I told a friend she looked at me as if I was a retard an simply said. "So you saw a lion and went closer for a better look?.Only you would do that!". :icon_redface:



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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Typical of people on a loser .Put the onus on the other guy to prove there aint ...........

I dosnt work like that and you know it . :clapper::clapper::clapper:



So, I'm " Cocky ". Now I'm a " Loser " ? And that's really about the sum of your own entire counterpoint, isn't it? Personal insult. Fine :whistling:


Anyway, the record shows too that ye never were one for proving anything ye say. But, maybe next winter ye'll get round to taking me up on my offer that ye do as ye said ye could and come show me the foxes on my ground?


Remember; I never asked ye to say or show anything about my ground. You took it upon yeself to publicly proclaim that you somehow knew I had foxes, despite my living on this land and saying I didn't have them. And you'd 'show me them'. When ever ye ready .....



"So you saw a lion and went closer for a better look?.Only you would do that!".



:icon_eek: Must admit; That was my own reaction. 'Guy thinks he can see a Lion and so goes Towards it?! Fast track to earning a Darwin Award, that sort of behaviour! :laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Kellas cat thats the cross between the widlcat & domestic isn't it



:good: Precisely what they appear to be. I was reading a brilliant essay about Wildcats, just the other night. Covered the 'Kellas Cat'. Agreed with that theory too. I'd suggest there's likely strong Siamese, or similar, blood in those things. They appear to demonstrate it both physically and in character.


Siamese being from a different root genetic stock from 'normal' moggies, it should be glaringly obvious from a genetic test. Sadly, who can afford such testing? And those that can; Govt's? Well: 'Nuff said! :thumbdown:

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Ditch-Never said you were a loser ,only the cause you are championing at the moment ,but then again you knew that but as usual you are twisting what was said to meet your own ends .The reason why i will not be coming to your house is purely and simply because -After asking around about your good self ,i feel we will not hit it off in the slightest and i have better things to do with my time ,like hunting .

So after publicly insinuating that i am a messer ,do you want me to say what i was told or ....................

Edited to say that ,that will never happen so lets just leave it at that mate .

Edited by foxdropper
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