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Me and David travelled to my ground for 1st light to see what we could ambush. 7.30 am and I spotted a fox mooching about at the bottom of some gorse some 400 yards away, so me and David sneaked in to about 200 yds. I told David to take it when he was ready , the fox re-appeared broadside and down it went , a very good shot from david, 1st vixen in the bag. A good start to the morning :D




Then we mooched about the rest of the day til the afternoon , where we laid up watching a big bank of gorse. David spotted another fox some 500 yards away , which I called and it came in like a bat out of hell . I shot this one , another vixen.




This fox was called from the gorse at the top of the pic.........


Not 5 minutes later , David spotted another fox , again about 200 yards away walking away from us , I shouted it to stop and that was number 3 in the bag , another vixen.......




Then we stalked further down the valley and spied a couple of roe , one of which I took .


Then it was out for some lamping , David shot 3 foxes this time , 2 vixens and a dog fox. He shot really well , missing nowt :clapper::clapper:




What a fantastic day out we had mate , couldnt get much better 6 foxes and 1 roe.


See if we can get 7 next time mate !!!!

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...............in whelp ,yep all of them .Dont want those cuddly little cubs running about the place do you .FFS that is pest control at its best .The farmer will be lambing soon and will be well pleased profits will be up and those two lads can sleep easy knowing the've done a very decent job .And jake- It dosnt affect your ground one bit so wind your neck in .Well done lads .

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