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Online comparison sites and insurance in general.

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In the last couple of weeks I have renewed our two car insurance policies  Online. What a complete mish mash of confusion that lot is. Why is it that the company you are with ramp the renewal right up. It doesnt matter whether it is electric, gas water house insurance, phones or all of these, the companies rip the customer off and the only way to get around this is to change provider. We used to have our house insurance with nfu  but they wanted nearly £800 premium. we had a sort out and eventually paid £340 !!  When i called nfu to advise them that their services were no longer required the bloke quite got the hump. He said that I wouldn't have the same cover. I informed him that this was the case and that every level of cover was now at a higher level than they were covering me for. I told him that as far as I was concerned they were ripping me off. They had to go and were discarded. They didn't give a monkey's.  But they didn't get my business. 

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I was with Hastings for a couple of years with my car insurance until I got a renewal quote through the post that had pretty much doubled it to over £800 . I went on the comparison sites and Hastings themselves gave the best quote that was near enough what I was already paying so I rang them and told them I was not accepting the 800 quote because they had quoted half that on the comparison site . The bloke on the phone said I’ll see what I can do and came back with £650 and was genuinely surprised when I said no because you’ve already quoted 420 online. I could have just gone through the online site and done it but because they had blatantly tried to pull my pants down I accepted a slightly dearer quote from Axa 

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They're all a load of rogues.  Sometimes there are a load of different quotes but the companies are the same and as you wrote often they undercut their own quote. The govermment or someone should have a bit of a sort out with this.  We had been with bt for donkeys years  but they wouldnt do a deal so we moved to a different provider. We went from 8mb  download to 72mb, free  mobile  calls up to an hour ect ect and £20 a month less. Rogues The Lot of em. The car insurance is the worst though. It is just a completely  confusing thing.  The prices might seem cheap but its nor until you delve into the small print that you have to start adding cover that the extent of cover is exposed. It's confusing because your not comparing like for like.

Edited by Meece
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3 hours ago, W. Katchum said:

Done similar with car insurance not long ago, current insurers gave us a quote which seemed a bit ott, tried a few compare sights an some quotes weread high an some where pittance but usually from company’s with real bad reviews, in end admiral give us a multi quote an beat out period years by a fair bit



how do they make money? Are some folk just to lazy to compare, or renew there’s when the renewal comes in?

When you tell us about the old knackers you drive around in it's a wonder any fcukers are daft enough to insure you.... ??

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