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I was a heroin addict for the best part of ten years (been clean 15+ years now)and i lost everything i had due to it so i know what i'm talking about with addition and if i can help a single person so

I went to town earlier  with the mrs and as I walked a passed a ginnel between two pubs i heard my name  shouted out he's my old mate who I grew up with last time I spoke with him a couple of years ag

I dont think you can look at in terms of “flogging a dead horse”........you will be the person you are and do what you do, what the person you have thrown a chance to then chooses to do is totally out

10 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

This happened with my mate pete... he never changed and now dances for petty change. Anyway hope he sorts it 

10 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

This happened with my mate pete... he never changed and now dances for petty change. Anyway hope he sorts it 

Same thing happened my mate Kevin poor cnut danced till his leg's were just skin and bone, on he just dance's to remember, hope you're mate sort's himself out.

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Just now, lurcherman 887 said:

Poor kevin.. petes on the mend now mate il let him know you was asking after him ... hes currently working in the sex industry now where he belongs 

Kevin tried that for a while but his bony knee's turned the punters, now he work's on a farm chewing bread for gummy chickens.

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10 hours ago, blackmaggie said:

I hope so welsh he did me a good turn a few years ago he didn't need to but he did I haven't forgot it I just hope he can beat his demons I will try and help any way I can but I don't want him  to try and make a mug out of me for sentiment reasons either 

Don't recon he'll go out his way to mug you off mate,but a addict will sometimes fcuk folk off with their fcuk ups.. Folks think it's easy to just stop but try stop thinking about hunting and put dogs,guns or what ever you do out your life and then carry on and your'll see it ain't so easy to change the way you not only live but the whole way you think..Nice one for giving him a chance and i do hope he gets himself through his dark days...

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My Mrs said something similar fireman that fact he wants to get clean is a good start but its going to be hard at times for him I'm prepared for that hes coming for his tea later so will have a chat about it and see what we can do to get things moving out of all the lads he was the one I never thought would end up on the streets 

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11 hours ago, WILF said:

I dont think you can look at in terms of “flogging a dead horse”........you will be the person you are and do what you do, what the person you have thrown a chance to then chooses to do is totally out of your control.

If it’s in your nature to help folk then that’s what you do, sounds like you are the type of bloke who is happier to know you did what you could even if it leads nowhere because you wouldn’t feel right if you did nothing.

Few more like that required in the world mate.

I couldn't just walk away wilf  I will try and get him back on his feet and see how it goes and the same lad did me a very good turn I know he's a very clever lad was very career minded sort who did very well for himself so it was a shock how far he had fallen in such a short time 

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3 hours ago, blackmaggie said:

My Mrs said something similar fireman that fact he wants to get clean is a good start but its going to be hard at times for him I'm prepared for that hes coming for his tea later so will have a chat about it and see what we can do to get things moving out of all the lads he was the one I never thought would end up on the streets 

I was a heroin addict for the best part of ten years (been clean 15+ years now)and i lost everything i had due to it so i know what i'm talking about with addition and if i can help a single person sort themselves out then my shit time wasn't so wasted..Just don't put all you got into it Blackmaggie as like i say he may well mess it up once or twice and he'll feel shit for doing so and letting folk down,but just be there to help him off his knees mate as just knowing there was someone who gave a fcuk held me on this planet more than once when i could see no light at the end of the tunnel..The best of luck to you all and your a good man for giving him a chance..:thumbs:...

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