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December Kits

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im getting my hutch and run all set up in next few weeks and planned on getting ferrets in december . All new to me so any help will be taken on board .


My plan was to get 2 jills (preferably 1 albino and 1 polecat) . Purely for the variety and when their out hunting i can see the difference in spotting them when they are around . Would prefer if they were from the same litter aswell . But all that being said id be happy with just 2 young jills


I wanted to get them young as possible . Read 8 weeks onwards is best . So that i can train the bite inhibition and socialisation of them myself . That way i can be sure that all bases are covered . I realise having them that young at this time of the year will not allow me to take them hunting this season but i can cope with that . Id have the whole summer of them growing strong and being exposed to different things so next season they should be sound


Quick Questions


With the ferrets quick growth rate is there a major difference in ferret from 8 weeks to 10 weeks to 14 weeks etc personality wise . Like ive said before i want to stop the biting myself so that i can guarantee its done and will be fine around the kids . I didnt fancy a older one incase it was harder to train them and get the socialised and less "bitey" after a certain point ?


Where do people usually get their ferrets ? friend has been to poultry auctions and seen some there but dont want to do that myself . Got knows what state their in and whats happened to them . So id prefer to get them from a individual . Ive joined multpile facebook pages and see quite a few around on there but again im not sure of the history of them . Do people just get them and take a chance or is there a "proper" way to buy them?


I know people will say "ive never paid for a ferret before" and i can understand that . But seing as their my first and im completely new to ferreting and as such dont have any ferreting contacts to lean on for kits . How much would you pay for a ferret ?





Cheers for any replies

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Find healthy ferrets fed on either flesh or James wellbeloved kibble. Kept in clean quarters, and ask to see them handled. I doubt your get kits now? And your right auction might be cheap, but it's history unknown.

Forgot to say about 15 quid each .

Yeah I knew it wasn't the right time of year for kits but I thought I'd read that people have been able to change the cycle by something to do with sunlight . Wasn't sure how widespread or common manipulating the season was


How easy is it to correct and train a older ferret? Is there such a thing as "can't teach a old dog new tricks" with ferrets

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Find healthy ferrets fed on either flesh or James wellbeloved kibble. Kept in clean quarters, and ask to see them handled. I doubt your get kits now? And your right auction might be cheap, but it's history unknown.

Forgot to say about 15 quid each .

Yeah I knew it wasn't the right time of year for kits but I thought I'd read that people have been able to change the cycle by something to do with sunlight . Wasn't sure how widespread or common manipulating the season was


How easy is it to correct and train a older ferret? Is there such a thing as "can't teach a old dog new tricks" with ferrets

if you buy a older ferret handle it before you buy it see if its ok. You could teach a older ferret not to bite by handling it often time and patience. You do get the odd one that will always bite.
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Dont think your going to get kits this time of year the jills come into season with the longer daylight hours so anybody thats feckin about with the jills seasons isn't looking to work them . you buy them at a auction do you really know what your getting or just a chance for somebody to unload there rubbish ?sit back see who in your area has ferrets , ask to see both parents and if your happy and more so happy with the conditions there kept in get a pair next summer at the 8 week mark when you have time with the longer daylight evenings to handle them

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Dont think your going to get kits this time of year the jills come into season with the longer daylight hours so anybody thats feckin about with the jills seasons isn't looking to work them . you buy them at a auction do you really know what your getting or just a chance for somebody to unload there rubbish ?sit back see who in your area has ferrets , ask to see both parents and if your happy and more so happy with the conditions there kept in get a pair next summer at the 8 week mark when you have time with the longer daylight evenings to handle them



If I was in your shoes I would build the best run and housing that you could ready for the ferrets arrival in the spring.

A small chest freezer is a must.

You've got plenty of time on your hands to gather all your kit.

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