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I read the first bit then clicked off again.......


My brain can't imagine a punishment horrible enough for this c**t.

Torture the b*****d and throw him in landfill.


If there is any kind of after life, I hope he endures eternal torment.


Absolute f***ing scum!

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Like others i got as far as the headline.


Àlso as someone who does not support the death penalty. Cases like this make me doubt my stance on it. Truly horrific!


I hope i can word this right. I can just about get my head around why a man/women might be sexually attracted/aroused by say a 16 year old but 9 f***ing months!! I mean what possible attraction could you have for a baby/toddler. They have to be the most degenerate f****d in the head people on the planet. If they had any decency (which clearly they do not ) they would take their own lifes immediately they had thoughts of such a thing!


All i can say is the cops interviewing this c**t must have unbelievable self control.

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