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Stolen Lurcher Any Help Welcomed.

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Hey up lads just a quick update dog as now been found at the local dogs home. However it was definitely stolen due the lead and collar going with the dog. It's probably due to word of mouth and sites

I no alot of gypsys /travellers not one of them would take from anyone theres good and bad in all ethenic groups religions not all good not all bad hope you get your dog back pal

Anyone that wouldnt be worried given the circumstances is a fool.

glad you got the dog back mate but we know it wasnt gypsies as you thought as we cant read can we so wouldnt of read it was too hot too handle f***ing fool glad the dogs back but hate people that jump to conclusions as soon as a dog goes missing its gypsies well there good and bad in every culture

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glad you got the dog back mate but we know it wasnt gypsies as you thought as we cant read can we so wouldnt of read it was too hot too handle f***ing fool glad the dogs back but hate people that jump to conclusions as soon as a dog goes missing its gypsies well there good and bad in every culture

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I also want to point out that it would be appropriate now to apologize for blaming Gypsies. But the guy who said gypsies don't work had me laughing pretty hard. My Amigo has three biznesses he owns and works all the time. Maybe it's just the American Gypsies who work...(sarcasm) cuz I can't think of one I know that doesn't. Most are self employed as I myself am. I am a mixed blood Cherokee and I'm damn proud to say my family tree includes gypsy blood. I'm damn proud to say Im related to the Woods.

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Have to agree can't just blame gypsies bad in all walks of life.


I'd say 80% of the time when dogs go missing its by someone you know who knows your Dogs, kennels etc.


Mine got took by a fecking smack head women, but got him back thanks to microchip and a gentleman

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Poacher..I'm confused. The guy asked about your dogs but didn't take them far as I can tell from reading here. Why do you say he was up to no good? Gut feeling about him? I would trust my gut so that's a fair reason for me. I am damn glad you got your dog back and I hope you don't have to go through that worry again. Here in my area gypsies would be a novelty if anyone even could tell they were talking with one. I have gone out of my way to make the connections I have and they all have been very supportive. I can't tell you how much time some guys put into me from this forum helping me learn enough to get to a point where I can feel good about giving my first lurcher a fair go. It only took me about 10 years to get started. Lol.


If your ever out stateside look me up and we can go hit my permissions and I'll treat ya to some real deal moonshine. K?

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