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Natural Hides

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Had a good hour this morning,natural hide building, trimming, preparing.

Anyways, one of my major, major, challenges in my neck of the woods is crows. " Wily is a huge understatement" - they are incredibly wild and "switched on" around here.

Mr Pishhhh taker had to land didn`t he, me and no rifle :icon_redface:.


Just my dog, my saw and my camera.


"The hide is working" he hadn't a clue I was there.post-85710-0-98656300-1465073582.jpg



"Field Craft",- 31 yards :whistling:




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I will be interested to see the results Mark because I intend building two natural hides on my perm, one for the bunnies and one for crows/pigeon, so a few photo's may well be useful right now.



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I used to build them at this time of year out of willow and / or hazel mainly for pigeon decoying. If you put the branches in deep enough they will take and start to grow and sprout leaves and small branches. You can weave these new branches into each other and make a solid permanent hide in next to no time.If you haven't got willow or hazel you can make a frame out of any old branches then in late summer get a bag full of goose grass and spread it all over the frame. The seeds will drop and germinate and cover the frame the following spring. It will be green in spring and summer and then brown in autumn and winter and regenerates every year.

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