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Getting Rabbits Is A Bonus

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Last night I pulled the purse nets out of the car, just to check, clean, and prepare for the next outing, I hoped would be in the morning.

Woke up, looked at the weather report and thought you bloody beauty, jumped on the phone and rang Ron (a local permission) to let him know I would be out there soon. No worries see ya when you get here.

I had a few things to do before I could leave, so I was trying to hurry, clean the pups run (now 6weeeks old) , feed, put in clean bedding etc , ok done, grab the ferrets, load the dogs and I’m off.

Took 40 mins to get there, stopped at the house to have a chat with Ron, to see if there was anywhere he wanted me not to venture, you’re right mate anywhere you like.

I had my eye on one of the hills last time I was here, and headed straight for it, stopped the car started to get the gear ready and realised I had left the purse nets at home _ _ _ _ Well I’m here now, all is not lost I have one 25 yard long net and two dogs could be worse.

Had a bit of a look, grabbed the ferrets and long net and started the walk up the hill to where I seen a couple of rabbits sitting last trip, stopped at the first burrow, my brown bitch was letting me know there are rabbits here dad.

I strategically placed the long net, dropped in a few ferrets, stood back waited for the action, it didn’t take long. First rabbit bolted up the hill, in the opposite direction to the long net with dogs in hot pursuit, they managed to catch up turn it, and chase it back down the hill and back in the same burrow, my pup Zip (6 ½ mth bitch) just missing, next one hit the long net, one in the bag, then Kass (brown bitch) chased one into a hole and dragged it out another one for the pot.

I stood and thought this pup will be something in year’s time, she still has a lot to learn, but I couldn’t be happier with the promise she is showing. Final tally was 6

Here is a link to a video I took today - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CKLIVEat-k



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Last night I pulled the purse nets out of the car, just to check, clean, and prepare for the next outing, I hoped would be in the morning. Woke up, looked at the weather report and thought you bloody

Well done ?

Nice one mate , no need for nets next season with that pup. My whippet loves the up hill runs more than the down hill runs.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HPkX8A4glU

thats some bank in the distance. Can't complain at 6 either :thumbs: . I enjoy your posts and will watch the video at the weekend when the wife is out I can play on the tv then. Plus bit knackered tonight lol

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thats some bank in the distance. Can't complain at 6 either :thumbs: . I enjoy your posts and will watch the video at the weekend when the wife is out I can play on the tv then. Plus bit knackered tonight lol

I will get some footage when I'm close by, it is quite steep. Always good to get a few for the pot, but I dont much mind when things dont go my way, after all, they are just a bonus :laugh: atb Doug ​

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thats some bank in the distance. Can't complain at 6 either :thumbs: . I enjoy your posts and will watch the video at the weekend when the wife is out I can play on the tv then. Plus bit knackered tonight lol

I will get some footage when I'm close by, it is quite steep. Always good to get a few for the pot, but I dont much mind when things dont go my way, after all, they are just a bonus :laugh: atb Doug ​




Looks like a bald version of wales :laugh:

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thats some bank in the distance. Can't complain at 6 either :thumbs: . I enjoy your posts and will watch the video at the weekend when the wife is out I can play on the tv then. Plus bit knackered tonight lol

I will get some footage when I'm close by, it is quite steep. Always good to get a few for the pot, but I dont much mind when things dont go my way, after all, they are just a bonus :laugh: atb Doug ​




Looks like a bald version of wales :laugh:

Minus the rain, freezing wind, and people you have no idea what they are saying. :whistling:


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Forgive my ignorance but you down under?


Yes mate, I am in Melbourne Australia

Nice mate, do you lose many ferrets to snakes or spiders?

Do you lamp much and what are the risks?

Sorry for all the questions


Only lost 2 ferrets too snakes in in last 40 years, but you do see them in summer, lose more dogs than ferrets usually in winter if they are in the burrow, they are to cold to move and in summer usually above ground. I do quite a lot of lamping just bought a new kit, my pup just turned 6 1/2 mths just waiting for her to mature before starting in the light my old dog retired this year so only been ferreting, cant wait for the pup to find her legssQbqRXC.jpg

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Good bit of kit there. Should be able to see the fleas jumping off them with that

Great posts,enjoy reading them.


Cheers mate glad you enjoy! I have taken the light out a couple of times, awesome, very impressed

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