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So You Think You,s Can Shoot A Springer

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You know me walshie iv had threads pulled for saying how it is mate   im a good shot(with a scope on) but im not a great shot i miss just like the rest of us   and if i miss i say i miss   there

Just cos you cant us open sites Mark and before you say it   neither can i                                                   only saying like                    

Nice try Mark But still shit mate ! Lol They should be pellet on pellet at that range , so get some more practice in you twat But then other folk recon we don't need to practice Atb mate Dave

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Another nice thin is how a rifle without a scope carries!


They also encourage hunting as opposed to sniping!



I have been ruminating on the hunting versus sniping thought, if I understand what your saying is that our skills in staulking have to be better to get within range to get a humane kill with open sights. I like that idea. Thanks Underdog. ,

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Another nice thin is how a rifle without a scope carries!


They also encourage hunting as opposed to sniping!



I have been ruminating on the hunting versus sniping thought, if I understand what your saying is that our skills in staulking have to be better to get within range to get a humane kill with open sights. I like that idea. Thanks Underdog. ,
Yes, well kind of, we have to be b quite close with air guns with the scopes but air guns and scopes have become so cumbersome most need to use sticks or lie down.


I have no longer got rifles that i shot foxes with to 300 yards just my little WMR now and it still gets them.

I just get closer and it is more exciting.

Nothing wrong with any way. I just like simple :-)



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post-85710-0-68064300-1463904391_thumb.jpgWhy on earth would I want to go back to shooting with open sights again ?

For one, when buying an air rifle today, the manufacturers (on a whole) don't supply rifles with open sights.

I`m with Hoggy, - open sights and a bayonet is the future :laugh:.

No not for me, thank you, but whatever "floats your boat" I suppose.

I hear all sorts on here,


Your not a true air gun hunter if you use a pcp.


Air guns have become cumbersome and most need to use sticks or lie down.


.22 is a " man`s calibre"


.177 is a girlie`s calibre


A sniper is not as skilful as a stalking hunter etc, etc, etc.


I like to think, or "hope" I have improved a little since the 1970`s :hmm:,

here`s a recent zeroing session using a "telescopic sight" as opposed to open sights.​



p.s this is a group of 10 shots inside a 5p size circle at a lazed 36 yards.



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Just cos you cant us open sites Mark and before you say it


neither can i


























only saying like :whistling:

























































atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Not at all U.

Just putting up a post reflecting on some home truths.


I`m calm thank`s :tongue2:



Is that right




Mark can not put 14 pellets in same hole at 36yrds


Mark can not use open site rifle


Mark can only shoot sitting using his sticks


Mark say,s he knows field craft but we all know he dose not as no field craft is involved in sitting


Mark just takes PHOTOS OF FROZEN pray he has in freezer or buys them off me and Mitch


Mark is the biggest TWAT of all
















only saying like :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::tongue2:






atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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I'll be trying some open groups with the 99 soon. I'll post pics.


I like the idea of doing away with a scope, but I'm a bit simple like that :)


My first proper airgun was an AA s200 multishot with 6-24x50 illuminated scope, then I moved to an AA prosport with a 3-9x40 Bushnell, now I'm on a hw99 with a 4x32 trijicon and loving it. If I can group with open sights I might do away with the scope too!

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Good job our Grandads didn't mind using open sights on those .308 rifles they were issued with. And I bet the German snipers didn't realise that they were so lucky with their 1.5X telescopic sights :laugh:

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