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Tiptoe, Through The Daffofils, By The Daffofils, That Is Where I'll Be!

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Took the 100 to the new permission yesterday. Was given a guided tour of the 1 acre back garden by the owner. Hedges had wire fences behind that were dog proof, not rabbit proof and the collie could not give 2 flying figs about the bunnies.


So set my stuff up by the woodpile and did some range finding to get marks, then a bunny hopped in at 35 metres, lined up, fired up, bunny over.


Could see two rabbits by the daffodils, near the veg patch, so skulked along the back hedge, came up behind another woodpile and got into the probe position and edged round, over some bramble branches hidden by the grass (ouch!).


I knew the daffodils were at 40 metres, so 2 marks up and down went George. Junior stared at George and you could almost hear it say "George? Talk to me George, George!" So I lined up and sent a pellet down the garden and Junior rolled over (see Tex Avery for details on George and Junior).


Walked and got them and was walking back down the garden when the permission holder espied me and my growing fur collection and asked if he could have one, of course I had to agree and selected the biggest one for him.


I saw another rabbit approach the veg patch so I went up the garden, behind the banking and took a standing shot to make it 4, only three are photographed as one was being prepared by the permission owner!



Edited by secretagentmole
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Sometimes those permissions can be the most productive we where called to do a garden turned out she had a 5 acre garden complete with tennis courts after the second time there was a note left on the car window she had phoned the farmer next door and he wanted his rabbits done

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Some of those 1 acre type places can be productive,I've found that even if you clear them it's not too long before they find their way back in from the surrounding fields etc as the grounds are not designed to keep then out,all the better for you in the long run though...

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