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The Real Devil Within.

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Pablo -- would you be the guy in trackies with a can in his hand by any chance .Had an interesting pm about you lol.

you are like the terrier police FD,you are always checking up on some one off here,fishwife springs to mind, Plucky

You will learn one day that people arnt who they would have you think they are .In which case they get outed .The truth means more than your thoughts bud .

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Take them for what they are, time to catch up and have the craic

Nah shows and rosette I believe give a positive image to people that are not into terrier work , I've never took them seriously enough to worry about wether they're a bad thing . For me " The Real D

Rosette hunting..... Dress the part Look the part... An chat the chat. Multiple dogs of all types in pristine condition an groomed to perfection. The judge

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Pablo -- would you be the guy in trackies with a can in his hand by any chance .Had an interesting pm about you lol.

you are like the terrier police FD,you are always checking up on some one off here,fishwife springs to mind, Plucky

You will learn one day that people arnt who they would have you think they are .In which case they get outed .The truth means more than your thoughts bud .


I have no idea who pablo is or half the people on here,you can be anyone you like on the internet mate unless you know them personally from your locality or they are someone famous, I just don't see the need to "out" everyone that you think is a threat to you being "top dog",nobody is any better than the next man in life and we all enjoy the things we do in different ways, if it makes you happy and you're not causing harm to anyone then why bother,just don't understand your way of thinking, I'm sure if people looked at your life there would be plenty to pick apart if analysed enough, we are a small band of brothers that dig or enjoy the country way of life and we should be looking at ways to keep us together and not stop lads posting by picking words apart, Plucky

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Agree with most of that mate but you would you also agree that if someone masquerades as something they are not then its up to those in the know to let others in on the fact .You paint me as striving for some sort of recognition but not so mate .I'm a truthful person and expect the same ,my standards are fairly high in terriers as they are in mates .I've no prob with any type of dog as long as the man on the lead is honest about what he has .I'm also of a generation where terrier work is carried out to a decent standard and not done to jeopardise our sport .I care not whether you agree and will carry on where I see fit .

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FD, there are many levels of terrier work and many just want a companion or family dog for a bit of sport and enjoy a walk or day out,everybody will want something different from their tykes,there will more lads mouching,bushing,ratting,rabitting,ferreting etc than digging,digging on the mainland UK is a minority at best,most of the hardcore lads I knew have either packed in or gone underground and would not entertain posting online,because you have high standards that does not make other lads lesser people or enjoy their sport less,we are all as different as the dogs we keep and the hand of friendship is far more welcoming than falling out at every turn,exaggerated tales and embellishment is a human trait that makes for a better tale sometimes and many on here are guilty of that also but are not subjected to your witch hunts,I hope you find some inner peace in your life at some point and stop the need to find trouble where there is none,we are all big boys and can make our own mind up as to what somebody posts on here is a bit far fetched or outrageous, Plucky

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I wanna judge a show now, seems everybody else has. Does that mean you've made it in terrier world if ye get to judge a show thes days? Lol

Shall i pencil you in for Peover this August..? ;)

who was the judge last year he was sound, is it a different judge every year???
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