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White Fox

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Spent my youth with that russel,as honest as the day is long.but, that red terrier was something totally new to me

Only let me down once, too ground that is,

(bad boy with cats).Older men decided to drop a border in with him.I did protest, but they were big men!!

Anyway, they got their "mark".

13 feet too a very dead border.

Thought I was gonna be backfill

Me,me dog an that poor border.

"Spider" and my bitch "Jess" were both far too hard for their own good, I hated all the time she would spend in sick bay, not my sort but right up your street back in the day, I always liked a bolt as it was never wise without permission to be digging 10ft holes everywhere to a dead fox, it was also the reason I gave her away, as regards the breeding of them I only know what "John" told me at the time and he told me the same last week when we were chatting about terriers etc, to be perfectly honest it doesn't really matter after all these years now, how was the russell in the pic I put up then ?

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Caught this back in 86. Had a few various shades of red, but nothing quite like this.

Saw a white man in Bradford once,but no one would believe me.

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Guest Snitch99

mr plummer..........



who could of guessed you seen one too. Im not surprised with all them late night drives around the town. ?

Edited by Snitch99
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Friend of mine has at the end of his hallway entrance to his house a white fallow stag head on top with a white fox underneath in a glass case with a white cock pheasent sitting on top of the glass case,looks good,i actually gave him the fallow head,he shot the pheasant himself but where the fox came from i dont know,he could have bought it from someone.I remember in the late 70s early 80s not sure which there was a fox farm down in the Longford area and on a real bad stormy night part of the shed blew down or something to that order and a lot of foxs escaped,they reckon a good few of them were white,i cant say as i did not see them but know of 1 man who claims to have dug 1 and no reason not to believe him.

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Russell pup could of been a parvo victim back in the day????

You defo told me it was from Ken Gould at the time as its written as stated in the album,as for digging well I dug more than most when needed but we went out with different dogs bred smaller than yours,you know the kind of places R.P. and me frequented and a bolt was needed to avoid being arrested, never killed less than 100 a season but just in a different way, working gardens,parks,scout huts,bowling clubs,motorway embankments,the only permission me and our kid had back then was nearly 200 miles of railway off "railtrack" and you cannot move a stone to dig so a little bolter was the order of the day, we bolted plenty to the lurchers or were shot and thats were all our permission eventually came from as the letter from "railtrack" introduced us to whoever owned the land either side of the track asking them to give us free access one field either side,I still do a lot of those farms today but stay off the tracks due to electrification.

I don't actively seek fox these days unless asked to do so in particular, the most I've had in the last 5yrs is only a small number by comparison, I have neither the drive,terriers or inclination for it and find myself ferreting or shooting and bushing rabbits most days of the week, I leave the "hard digging" to the likes of yourself & co as it holds no interest for me these days,its nice to see some old pics from you though and I've enjoyed seeing some of your old dogs, WM

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To go forward In working dogs,Truth needs To be an important factor. Not just to other people, but to ourselves.

Far too many "invent" Their pedigree just to gain credibility!!!


Had the honour of sharing the banjo with Brian, Legend.

You entered his dogs????

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Truth is an important factor in dogs.

Too many "invent to gain credibility "had the honour of sharing the banjo with Brian.

You entered his dogs???

"well" choked on me cornflakes when I read that one.

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