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What Birds To Introduce?

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Hi all,

I have no experience in game keeping but lots of interest. When I was younger my dad raised and released some partridge and it was always something I would like to do. On my site I have a pond with trees and plants growing around it. The overall area is probably about 25m x 25m. There is some open water and the rest is mostly marshy ground with lots of shelter and this area borders a stream. Plenty of fairly mature trees on it, oak, ash and some others.


What would be best game birds to try and introduce here, not to hunt but hopefully as a permanent feature?

Thank you


Ps to edit, I am based in the south east of Ireland.

Edited by jwed
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Is there a shoot nearby or surrounding the area?


It's a pretty small piece, probably not worth releasing birds on, perhaps if there was a nearby keeper you could ask him if you could catch up or rear birds for him? Get a few broodies etc etc, other than that depending on your budgt you could fence it and have it as a big pen for some exotics, golden pheasants maybe?

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Thanks for the replays. Just in case it makes a difference, the pond and grove is that size but the land is set in farmland with mixture of forest, crops and pasture. Stream along side it and the land is set in a valley.

I'm not expecting the birds to stay there and not stray but even to see something come and go would be nice.

Thanks again.

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