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husky crosses

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i lamp with denny regular the dog pictured in the link above is called curly it was me and his son that took the mother of curly to the wippet/grey a dog called ted to breed his litter he was a real decent dog hope he was of help dai dogs

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I've only had experience with Siberian huskys and everyone was a nightmare, intractable, difficult with stock and not a pleasure to own. As a a sled dog they are amazing but why add it to a lurcher mix, what could it offer that isn't already "out there"?

££££££££............... ;)

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Im now quite sceptical about this breeding now after reading the link by Denny Mathews,my first impresion of huskie bred into the lurcher scene was.......na,i dont think too much of that,but now i have to say its got me thinking :hmm: it would be interesting to hear how these pups would do for folk ?

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i lamp with denny regular the dog pictured in the link above is called curly it was me and his son that took the mother of curly to the wippet/grey a dog called ted to breed his litter he was a real decent dog hope he was of help dai dogs

i spoke to denny last week he was of great help. thanks leec

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i know someone who races them and he and few friends went out to bring some new blood back. you are right what you say about them not being let off in this counrty but appartently over there its very diffrent. their onwers almost consider them hunting dogs as much as they do pulling dogs apparently, doing jobs like marking ice for seals, tracking scent........ however the climate is VERY diffrent and there is ALOT more space. as most have said i dont thnk there is much to add by introducing husky blood... but we will see, maybe. i would think if anyone was wanting to try it, it would better using one of the first cross husky/GSP.... adding stamina and some hunting ability but not out and out crazyness.


wink ;)


ps. would like to say im talking working lines of all the above (the only choice for a working lurcher anyway) not your watered down pet shite.

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I did a search and there are quite a fe Husky/Grey crosses in welfare shelters in the States, all quoting NO OFF LEAD exercise and one will kill livestock!


God....you do want to be right,dont you :laugh: i can name hundreds of breeds which have the potential to kill lifestock if owned by incompetent owners ;)

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Why oh why are people trying to create a lurcher outside of the usual circle of breeds? There's a very good reason why a vast majority of lurchers/longdogs advatized are Collie, Bedlington, Wheaton ect x Greyhound, whippet, Saluki ect and that's because they're tried and tested.


For the life of me I cannot understand why you would want to use Husky in your breeding program.

I have first hand experience of a lurcher that had Husky in it's breeding. It was somehow related to the dog mentioned in Badhairdays post and bred by Mr Burrel. This dog was owned by a close friend of mine. Despite having every opportunity to prove it's self in the field it fell way short at everything. Sure it tried but, it lacked pace, had no brain to speak of and had a foul temperament.

This was my friends first lurcher so you can imagine his disappointment when his dog turned out to look like a malnourished poorly coated husky that was lacking in every quarter.


Every now and then we see things like Poodle x Grey and Labrador x Grey but, these crosses are far from the norm. Why? because they do not cut it. Sure there maybe the odd novelty cross that go on to make satisfactory working lurchers but, as I've already said they are far from the norm.

Stick to the tried and tested.


What next St Bernard.

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Well I clicked on that link and all I see is a long page of blah blah blah blah hardly any pics of the dogs and none of them working. Just a load of bollox designed to market a type of dog. I agree with Magpie, stick to what works and has worked for hundreds of years :D If it aint broke why try to fix it :doh:

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Well I clicked on that link and all I see is a long page of blah blah blah blah hardly any pics of the dogs and none of them working. Just a load of bollox designed to market a type of dog. I agree with Magpie, stick to what works and has worked for hundreds of years :D If it aint broke why try to fix it :doh:


:laugh::laugh: @ 'SJM'...

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I did a search and there are quite a fe Husky/Grey crosses in welfare shelters in the States, all quoting NO OFF LEAD exercise and one will kill livestock!


God....you do want to be right,dont you :laugh: i can name hundreds of breeds which have the potential to kill lifestock if owned by incompetent owners ;)

Gaz, you know what? Id love to be totally wrong, as god is my witness I would! However I have spent a lot of time round Huskies and i dont think these will be your obedient types :no: I doubt will will ever hear if any are useless, lethal or otherwise, as I dont think owners will admit it, but I do think we will hear how wonderful they are!! :yes:


I agree that any dog can chase livestock, of course they can I was quoting what the welfare site had said, whilst many will worry livestock, you stand a far better chance of controlling a more obedient dog than a Husky, and I may be wrong but I thought thats what it was all about, a dog you could work reliably and efficiently? perhaps I have that wrong too? :hmm:

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I did a search and there are quite a fe Husky/Grey crosses in welfare shelters in the States, all quoting NO OFF LEAD exercise and one will kill livestock!


God....you do want to be right,dont you :laugh: i can name hundreds of breeds which have the potential to kill lifestock if owned by incompetent owners ;)

Gaz, you know what? Id love to be totally wrong, as god is my witness I would! However I have spent a lot of time round Huskies and i dont think these will be your obedient types :no: I doubt will will ever hear if any are useless, lethal or otherwise, as I dont think owners will admit it, but I do think we will hear how wonderful they are!! :yes:


I agree that any dog can chase livestock, of course they can I was quoting what the welfare site had said, whilst many will worry livestock, you stand a far better chance of controlling a more obedient dog than a Husky, and I may be wrong but I thought thats what it was all about, a dog you could work reliably and efficiently? perhaps I have that wrong too? :hmm:


No worries Dawn you have made a valid point and prob you are not too far off the mark in what you say,but unlike some im always open minded about things i no nothing or little of.


All the best Gary

Edited by gaz
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