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A bitch can easily raise a litter of 7 pups if she is well fed and watered ... The ones you bottle feed will never be as strong and healthy as the ones on the bitch ........

Your pups you do as you want but I just find it ridiculous to take pups off a perfectly healthy bitch that's producing plenty of milk to put them on a formulated milk ........

This has nothing to do with me but from what I have read this is turning nasty I'm not defending anyone here as I don't know any of you but we are all supposed to enjoy our terriers and what they do t

Groat u haven't got a glue people always wanted to know me an still do ur a clown with Russell's an if u know all this about me u know who I been going with an [BANNED TEXT] his dogs can do if u don't know who I've been going with 4 3 yrs u don't now we're he took me an who with do u other wise u say names coz u good with that

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I think ya fooled the goat at some stage he is calling u a rat ya have to lol cause he is mouthing about dogs with infected injuries on a public when I'd say by now half the world no who ya are fair play goat u are a good rep for terrier work arm chair hunter to the highest.p's.if I had a problem with someone I'd say it to there face not behind a computer

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I'd tell him to his face mate believe me. Half the time I should keep my trap shut but people like this make me grind my teeth. I honestly can't understand for the life of me why half of you on here are defending a dopey little pot head who looks acts and sounds like a retard and is an utter disgrace to terrierwork full stop. As iv said we have all done silly things in our time I'm by no means an angel, but this man is the lowest of the low and if there's anyone on here from the south Wales valleys I'm sure they'd all back me up. As iv said..you don't live local to this clown and these days you don't see him round much because everyone thinks the same of him. Undertaker some reason I can't see them coming from there, but who knows he might have scrounged 1 from somewhere that goes back to there. P.s scratcham, leave my russels alone?

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So if everyone feels the same why they out with an why r they not backing u up most ov the people r on here an ur the only clown you an pot head I'll still drop dw to a terrier quicker than u every 1 on here thinks ur muppet ? I was years ago but I grow up an people seen that an give me a chance so fk up

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Yep, and there's me thinking it would be nice to have a big forum meet up one day,all the terrier/dog guys , swapping stories,dog talk, meeting new friends etc...couple of pints and a bite to eat ...Imagine the carnage after a few rough ciders down our necks!!..OK CORRAL..haha

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So if everyone feels the same why they out with an why r they not backing u up most ov the people r on here an ur the only clown you an pot head I'll still drop dw to a terrier quicker than u every 1 on here thinks ur muppet ? I was years ago but I grow up an people seen that an give me a chance so fk up

see everything with you is a competition. Your the best about. You come on more than me in 6 years (lords) and you'd drop down to a terrier quicker than me...what's the rush, sit down have a cup of tea in my case, in your case have a joint. Let the dog work it, the only fools who rush are the ones who have no faith in they're terriers. There's enough on here who will back me they're just sitting back and watching. I don't even know why I'm writing back to you no word of a lie your the biggest fool iv ever met.
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Goat mate ,can we all let it lie as its getting very awkward .You know JP so have a word then sort it face to face .Turning into a bitch fest .You are getting proper

Edited by mango
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