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A Fenns And Snares Out Plus A Bonus

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Went out yesterday to set a few fenns and snares for rabbits also took couple of fox snares,went back just had it was getting dark had a couple of rabbits in the fenns,went back this morning had coupl

Blimey glad I don't live in Holland then thanks for that mate very interesting read. 410 is adequote for rabbits and other vermin upto about 25yds. So is it the bunny huggers as you say that as banne

Yes, but you can't be too liberal on all things. isn't ? Welcome in the very urbanised world of the Netherlands, so fight to keep it your way, or lose it also to these very politically correct cit

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Is that the same Netherlands that have the very liberal laws on the sex industry and legalised drugs ?

Funny country.



Yes, but you can't be too liberal on all things. isn't ? :angel: Welcome in the very urbanised world of the Netherlands, so fight to keep it your way, or lose it also to these very politically correct citizens :cray:

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Do you never have the problem of the fenns throwing rabbits clear of the jaws?

I've had it a couple of times when I first started with fenns I just make sure when the trap shuts it's close to the roof of the burrow so when trap goes off the rabbit is forced up if that makes sence.

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So do you just block up tunnels that are to low or high? And yeah mate, makes sence, so when the jaws shut there tight to the tunnel roof

On a small warren yes set in the best holes and block up the other holes,on a big warren set as many fenns as poss in the best holes,to be honest most holes you can set a fenn in if too tight I just dig down a bit so trap fits perfect,you can have a mound of soil at the entrance over the trap but not a pit where the trap is set low a rabbit will not jump into a pit but will go over a mound
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If I can get to the holes I will use Fenn traps if not I will use bodygrips or snares on the runs.

These rabbits in the pics were trapped using BG on their runs coming through the fence,I hadn't got permission on the other side of the fence so couldn't get to the warrens. The bodygrips must be set in a tunnel man made or natural.



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That is a very good question,legally I don't know it could be poaching because the rabbit was on someone elses land techically even though it was snared on my side. I'm not sure on that one obviously I would wait for the rabbit to come back on my side of the fence before I dispatched it ?

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