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Do I Need To Separate?

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I've just noticed my bitch is in season so I've brought her in the house, she usually lives outside with my other dog. What I want to know is, is it really necessary to bring her in? The dogs only just turned seven months and is still very much a pup, is there much chance of him trying to get on her or not?

The reason I'm askin this is because she's bleeding in the house and the mrs is whinging!

Why don't you leave the bitch out and bring the dog in? Either way I'd definatly separate them
Again, the mrs! Him being a pup is a lot more boisterous and energetic and she is really well behaved! So that's why she's in and not him!
Put your foot down! 3 choices, bitch in the house dripping blood, boisterous pup in the house or both outside with the chance of a mishap

I always put a pair of pants on the bitch when she lived in and was in season

Haha it is down mate! That's why she's inside. I've still got to listen to it though!
Just keep nodding at her pal
Haha ye mate! The thing is though it's just come a week too early! She's booked in to get speyed next week! Now I'll have to wait three months before she can have it done and that's going to be right when I want to be out with her! Bit pissed off really!

Can't you put the spaying off till March time?

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Just read the above post. .my apologies lol..bad timing or what. .atb sesku

No worries pal. Ye tell me about it, bad timing! To be honest, I probably have left it a bit late before getting her done really!
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I've just noticed my bitch is in season so I've brought her in the house, she usually lives outside with my other dog. What I want to know is, is it really necessary to bring her in? The dogs only just turned seven months and is still very much a pup, is there much chance of him trying to get on her or not?

The reason I'm askin this is because she's bleeding in the house and the mrs is whinging!

Why don't you leave the bitch out and bring the dog in? Either way I'd definatly separate them
Again, the mrs! Him being a pup is a lot more boisterous and energetic and she is really well behaved! So that's why she's in and not him!
Put your foot down! 3 choices, bitch in the house dripping blood, boisterous pup in the house or both outside with the chance of a mishap

I always put a pair of pants on the bitch when she lived in and was in season

Haha it is down mate! That's why she's inside. I've still got to listen to it though!
Just keep nodding at her pal
Haha ye mate! The thing is though it's just come a week too early! She's booked in to get speyed next week! Now I'll have to wait three months before she can have it done and that's going to be right when I want to be out with her! Bit pissed off really!
Can't you put the spaying off till March time?
Problem solved! Ye, I hadn't thought of that. Just get this one out of the way and then try and get her done just before her next season! Don't know why that didn't come to me earlier! Oh yes I do actually..... Strongbow! Ha, cheers pal
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Confine the bitch to one room..ie the kitchen. You could always crate her for short periods(no pun intended) also which will cut down on the mopping of the flow.

That's where she is. Hahaha, I had to read that twice!! Cheers pal
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I had a 5 month old pup try to mount a bitch in heat before, his knot ended up tearing his sheath :icon_eek: Keep them seperated and chuck a pair of boxers on the bitch like someone else said, its what I always do when I've got a bitch in season in the house :thumbs:

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don't leave her in the kitchen! no wonder your missus is upset, don't you have a laundry or garage... please tell me this is not common, i don't care how many strongbows i've drank or boxers wth tail through the slot i will not have a menstruating lurcher bitch running loose in my kitchen

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don't leave her in the kitchen! no wonder your missus is upset, don't you have a laundry or garage... please tell me this is not common, i don't care how many strongbows i've drank or boxers wth tail through the slot i will not have a menstruating lurcher bitch running loose in my kitchen

No I don't have a laundry or a garage. What exactly is wrong with her in the kitchen? And she's not really running loose, she's just lied in her bed, like she tends to do when in the house
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