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hi all i have a litter of lurcher pups here they are 5 week old and I have been using a wormer from the pet shop the 1st time I used it it seemed to work but at 4 week I used the same wormer and the pups have not been doing so good they are loosing Wight and just don't look as healthy as they did I am feeding them chappy wet food and there not putting any Wight or size on can I buy any thing over the counter from vet or pet shop that will work as the vets up here are all about the ££££££ if I have to take the than I will I have been using this shit beapbar worming cream



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iv always used drontol puppy liquid 1ml per kg bodyweight and i find it great stuff can be used from 2wks on never had a problem with it id deff try a different food if there loosing weight pups should be gaining all the time not loosing, i also mix complete puppy milk with food for 2 to 3 weeks after weaning just to give them a boost good luck

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Chappie is a much maligned dog food that has proven itself effective for dogs that have digestive problems so I hate to knock it but one suspects a good part of the reason it causes so few digestive problems is that it contains so few animal proteins. Allergies to food are most commonly to beef then other animal proteins with cereal being comparatively rare so most allergies will settle on Chappie. That’s all well and good for sensitive animals but you don’t seem to have a reason to suspect sensitivity in your pups so feeding something with a little more animal protein is perhaps a good idea. You could add in mince etc as already suggested, cooked or raw if its good quality, or you could buy a puppy complete and add in table scraps to enhance variety. Puppies don’t need masses of protein, 17% at a very minimum, but they do need some and a decent complete or adding meat to the diet will ensure they get what they need.

Regards s

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Got pups here did the whole panacure 10 % as recommended on the bitch , after worming her 2 weeks before lining her as well. Wormed pups at 3 weeks yesterday with drontal tablets cut down still got some worms out of pups.


You can use drontal/prazivet on pups from 3 weeks get some of that into them sheepish or some miblemax...any of the Johnson's Bob Martin stuff total shite,


Weigh the pups and get it into them, read skyward thread on worming it's at the top pinned.


Pups on chicken mince , and gain puppy and sapling ..looking good on it

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