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One Eye Or Two ?

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Good day all,


first post since joining so apologies if it's a subject that ahs been done to death BUT do you prefer to shoot pigeons with one eye closed and one open or both open using a shotgun not air rifle ?


Just wondering. my results would give the impression I have both eyes closed !!!!



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I shoot close to medium range with both eyes open.


For a long range shot I will shut one eye, as Im right eye doninent and right handed so I shut my left eye it makes me more accurate for a long un.


But for close range shots keeping both eyes open increases your peripheral vision and allows you fast shooting and more chance of a double or triple if you shoot a semi, a bit like hitting a ball with a cricket bat you would want both eyes open to see the ball coming towards you at speed, as it gives your brain chance to process where exactly to stike it.

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I shoot one eye open/ shut, depending on your perspective, I do this as I have a dominance to one eye, there is a test to see if your dominant to one eye(http://www.basc.org.uk/en/how-to/shooting/eye-dominance-test.cfm) this may well explain why your hitting jack!! I still can hit left and right with just one eye, though in my case it's more of a rarity than the norm :blink:

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