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Used to work with one years ago. A complete arsehole of the highest order.

quite a few nonces and serial killers have been volunteer police-attracted to "the power"


thats intresting, got any examples?

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I went to school in the 70s with a lad who became a copper.He was a proper shitbag in school and soft as fcuk.No-one used to pass the fecking ball to him when we were playing rugby,as he would shit himself and throw it anywhere.Anyway a couple of years after leaving school i get a pull from the plod so i pull over.Well you can guess who it was and what a cocky twat he was,he treated me like a thief and didnt crack on he knew me.Anyway upshot of that was i had to produce my documents,so told him i would like to produce at the station hes based at.He saw nothing suspicious in that,so he was off with a sneer on his ugly mug!.

The next day i went to my mothers house and sifted through old photos,until i came across several team sports pictures i was looking for.There it was the one i had been looking for the 4th year (14-15yr old) Basketball team.I was at the back with two others and the sports teacher,and there was he on the front sat on the bench with the rest of the team,legs wide open with his little winkle on show! LOL.

The day after i got it photocopied as large as i could and took it along to the station with my documents.Believe me the fcuking station was in an uproar and i was glad to leave them with it as i reckoned i had wiped the smile off his face.He was due in later that day so can only imagine what his face was like.

Ive seen him several times over the many years that have passed,and have always been spoken to with respect!. Hes still a wanker though,only now hes a fat one!. :angel:

Edited by bwfc
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Most special police start as secret Moderators on here, we educate them to then use their anorak skills to gang up on poor defenseless dog men, the weak and the sick... Like us, it gives them a real sense of purpose... :D

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Most special police start as secret Moderators on here, we educate them to then use their anorak skills to gang up on poor defenseless dog men, the weak and the sick... Like us, it gives them a real sense of purpose... :D

PMSL.....i knew it, i knew it....... :laugh:

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Used to work with one years ago. A complete arsehole of the highest order.

quite a few nonces and serial killers have been volunteer police-attracted to "the power"


thats intresting, got any examples?


Dennis Nielsen

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Once my brother was caught riding a bike on a pavement (briefly to get out the way of a HGV in a quiet town centre) and was immediately spotted and shouted to stop by some prick on a power trip. Unbelievably he actually stopped and waited for him to catch up and said he is getting a £30 fine, at which point passers by started shouting out what a pathetic tit the man was. Anyway he gave him his details and paid the fine, something that I still mock him about to this day for blindly bending over for authority.


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Guest long-tail

couple wildlife officers round here are both specials,spanking new range rover thrown in proper pair numpties but either way they got eyes if your up to no good and fecking radios to go with them

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Used to work with one years ago. A complete arsehole of the highest order.

quite a few nonces and serial killers have been volunteer police-attracted to "the power"


thats intresting, got any examples?


ed kemper,wayne williams are 2 off the top of my head-a lot of serial killers tend to own polise type dogs like dobermans or gsds

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