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Winston Spencer Churchill

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I've got a book here of love letters between WSC and Clemmie.


For a tough politician, he sure knew how to charm the Mrs.........


Didn't his father die from VD? His mother certainly was a beauty (for a Yank). I would.....

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she didnt destroy the mining community,scargill and his cronies did.

no i wont agree..........all history now..........im more worried about this country becoming pakistan or poland.............

"It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary."   "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last."   "Never hold discu

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A pretty disastrous peace-time PM, on the whole, but I don't think any of his contemporaries could have got us through the War, let alone secure victory.

Really? You think so?


He led us through the early part of the time that McMillan described as 'never had it so good'. Ended rationing (Atlee failed miserably to get production up enough), and did some other good stuff.


Sadly, he was really passed it by then; Eden took over and made a mess of Suez.


Personally, I think he would have made a good job of our post war recovery if he'd been given a chance. Sadly, the electorate believed the spin of the then Labour leader Atlee, much the same as they did with bLiar.


Oh and without resurrecting the Thatcher thread, just a reminder that Wilson actually closed twice the number of coal mines that Thatcher did. Who wrecked british industry? Not Churchill or Thatcher in my opinion; Wilson and Heath are responsible for that.

. Mat. Harold wilson won three general elections. Buried in private. In a little plot on the isle of wight a kind and genourous man brought down by every power of the real world rulers.

No he isnt.

He buried on the Isles of Scilly in a village cemetery thats is called NOWHERE on the ilse of St. Marys

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A pretty disastrous peace-time PM, on the whole, but I don't think any of his contemporaries could have got us through the War, let alone secure victory.


Really? You think so?


He led us through the early part of the time that McMillan described as 'never had it so good'. Ended rationing (Atlee failed miserably to get production up enough), and did some other good stuff.


Sadly, he was really passed it by then; Eden took over and made a mess of Suez.


Personally, I think he would have made a good job of our post war recovery if he'd been given a chance. Sadly, the electorate believed the spin of the then Labour leader Atlee, much the same as they did with bLiar.


Oh and without resurrecting the Thatcher thread, just a reminder that Wilson actually closed twice the number of coal mines that Thatcher did. Who wrecked british industry? Not Churchill or Thatcher in my opinion; Wilson and Heath are responsible for that.

. Mat. Harold wilson won three general elections. Buried in private. In a little plot on the isle of wight a kind and genourous man brought down by every power of the real world rulers.
No he isnt.

He buried on the Isles of Scilly in a village cemetery thats is called NOWHERE on the ilse of St. Marys

. Silly me wrong isle. Ah well one little silly isle. Just like another. Eh
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