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Lack Of Game!!

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its frustrating,im bringing on a dog and theresnot much about,even some really good ground ive got has nt got much on it.

try bushing in the daytime as what rabbits are left are on top due to flooded warrens,even more so on lower lying areas.not ideal but will keep the dog keen

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I rarely come home with more than a couple of rabbits on my permission, be it ferreting or lamping what ever! My best nights lamping is still only 6 rabbits with my last dog Tilly, with Rue it's 4 rab

Dole money kept me in lurcher work for 7 years when that was my only purpose,i woke up one morning,the wife had left me and beggared off back to Belfast,the fridge was empty,the rent was overdue and i

i like to watch the dog working things out not arsed about the numbers game as long as the dogs run its best at whats there happy days.atb


you have to travel these days to get the game in front of your dog :thumbs:

If it does,nt come easily or on a plate to some,then its time to give in and find a less demanding pastime.

theres another factor there too morton.theres a recession on and folk dont have 20,30 and 40 euros to be puting into their car when theyre struggling to pay electricity,gas and even basic stuff like food.you need to be a bit practical when you got kids who have hobbys/pastimes and need a few guineas for socialising.theres more to it sometimes than just being lazy.

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you have to travel these days to get the game in front of your dog :thumbs:

If it does,nt come easily or on a plate to some,then its time to give in and find a less demanding pastime.

theres another factor there too morton.theres a recession on and folk dont have 20,30 and 40 euros to be puting into their car when theyre struggling to pay electricity,gas and even basic stuff like food.you need to be a bit practical when you got kids who have hobbys/pastimes and need a few guineas for socialising.theres more to it sometimes than just being lazy.

Yes the art of walking,its still free,is beyond the comprehension,or capability of some.No matter how hard the times are a little sacrifice will pay for a bus ticket 10 miles out,a few miles walk back home will fill a game bag,free food that exceeds the price of the ticket,its easier to look for an excuse to not find work for a jukel,than it is to get organised,commited and work the fecking dog.

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yeah cant ye just see a 40+ year old man geting on a bus from a town centre with a ferret box(with the inhabitants scratching like hell to get out) a load of long nets/purse nets(which ever you prefer) a terrier/lurcher and your gear in a bag.if you live in or near a city it could be a little out of grasp to walk 20 bloody miles to get to any decent hunting grounds.you should stop being so glib.Now i take your comments as being just put out in a general terms,cause if you think i might not like walking then your badly mistaken.Only yesterday i covered 8 and 1/2 miles with the lurchers(road walking)today i spent 4 hrs in the hills,a few miles around our stomping ground will fill ye with depression as theres feck all about but houses :laugh: over here the most type of hunting/ferreting are ditches so a few purse nets in yer pocket wont do and its impossible to cover both sides of the ditches alone.anyway financial restraints kick in a lot when unemployment/children take over ones life which im certain it has in this country due to the state of the place.

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yeah cant ye just see a 40+ year old man geting on a bus from a town centre with a ferret box(with the inhabitants scratching like hell to get out) a load of long nets/purse nets(which ever you prefer) a terrier/lurcher and your gear in a bag.if you live in or near a city it could be a little out of grasp to walk 20 bloody miles to get to any decent hunting grounds.you should stop being so glib.Now i take your comments as being just put out in a general terms,cause if you think i might not like walking then your badly mistaken.Only yesterday i covered 8 and 1/2 miles with the lurchers(road walking)today i spent 4 hrs in the hills,a few miles around our stomping ground will fill ye with depression as theres feck all about but houses :laugh: over here the most type of hunting/ferreting are ditches so a few purse nets in yer pocket wont do and its impossible to cover both sides of the ditches alone.anyway financial restraints kick in a lot when unemployment/children take over ones life which im certain it has in this country due to the state of the place.

It was,nt aimed directly at you,only this week ive possibly done at least 12 miles lamping,just to get to what the dogs could come to terms with,a dig that lasted 22 hrs,albeit with a nights rest and an happy outcome,plus a bit of bushing covering a 30 mile radius,in and out of vehicles.What im saying is,there is work about for any dog,its up to the owner,owners,to put the effort in to find it,there are owners that are willing to put in the leg work and others that get rid of the mutts because the effort was beyond their bother.

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Slightly off topic, Is the dole 200 Euro a week in Republic of Ireland ??

Dole money kept me in lurcher work for 7 years when that was my only purpose,i woke up one morning,the wife had left me and beggared off back to Belfast,the fridge was empty,the rent was overdue and i had nobody to wash and iron for me,me and a mate did a few cash in hand jobs,lurchers got fed,house was retaken,i lived in a caravan for a while,met somebody who took second place to the mutts and the rest is history,ive still got the jukels,son now does as much as me,daughter looks after the terriers until i need them and the missus is a diamond,who needs the lottery.

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so now were debating how well we can survive on the wellfare,how come the people of ireland are crippled with debt then................or are they all bullshiting the government and stashing their dole away and chuckling secretly.get back to the topic above or just scrap it cause its geting plain stupid now.

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so now were debating how well we can survive on the wellfare,how come the people of ireland are crippled with debt then................or are they all bullshiting the government and stashing their dole away and chuckling secretly.get back to the topic above or just scrap it cause its geting plain stupid now.



the bottom line mate, is rabbit numbers are down like i said, it ok saying jump in your motor etc to put game infront of you dog, but there are only few places really that hold good numbers of game worth putting£ 50 quid in the car to get'em. Many a night ive try differnt places over the years getting6-9 rabbits from 4 hours of walking, and sooner or latter you do think is it worth it , you do keep trying well i have + still do, but i can understand lads getting pissed off with( lot of it) with (not) enough game for there dogs :yes:

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bird,i love ferreting and i love it even more when im alone and just the dog but the last 3 years have been absolutely disastrous.I kept pluging away but the numbers were droping bit by bit.I spent days out for 6-7 hrs and end up with 4's 6's on a good day I might hit 10-12,which is ok.you cant have big bags all the time,but the last year or so 2 to 5 became the norm and the dogs were just not geting any kind of work as were not the ferrets and I took the decision that as it stood I thought for the effort i put in the results were just not worth it and the dogs were geting pissed off trying hard for feck all,so with a heavy heart I postponed my ferreting days.Not gave up just postponed until the numbers get better.I know theres lads going out and still geting a few here and there .Anyway thats just me right or wrong I let you judge for yourselves but the results didnt make it worth while for me.The ferrets are with a young lad now and hes happy pluging away with them and the dog is following her full time career of goating and arseing about at rough hunting and generally being my companion on different forays shooting etc.I must admit I miss the ferreting days,i still have the nets,locators and carrying box tucked away for WHEN i get back at it.Tonight im droping my hutch to a lad on here and that'll be that for a while.s dedicated as we all are I think you have to be realistic too and know when financialy and sporting wise it just aint worth it,after 30+years of ferreting it was not a decision I came to lightly.

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so there is no rabbits local get out and look for them i will travel to put them in front of my dog think nothing of doing 200 mile and if you sit on here moaning more fool you i say get your self out or get out of the game feel for the dogs not being tested.atb

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great reply troter..............,as for siting here moaning,i bet im out as often as you if not more,i do lots of different types of fieldsports,and at this present time RABBITING IS NOT WORTH THE COST AND THE EFFORT FOR THE RESULTS, and if you read above I got out of the game........for the time being.if you need to do 200 miles to get a few rabbits then your puting roughly £30 into the tank every time you take a run out,great to be wealthy :D

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