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I found loads of steel bb's at a car boot, much cheaper than the rip-off prices I find in shops and these ones were bigger, heavier and much more useful. So if you are lucky you might find some, but what I want to know is what this bloke had 100's of bb's for, there must be a cheaper way of buying them other than those selling for slingshots.

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I buy mine.


By the time i source the lead, melt it and fart about putting it into moulds....i could have took the wee man the park or something :thumbs:


Its ok if you work with lead, know somebody that does or can get your hands on it easily.....then it would be easy to do.


I buy 9.5mm off ebay.....works out a fiver delivered for 200.


Im looking into larger ammo....12-16mm but the price just rockets and so does the postage because of the weight.


Think about it. A 16mm lead is not too far off double a 9mm ball...double to lead and double the weight/postage.


If your buying it in its about finding a happy medium with size and price.......i think 9.5mm is a good allround price and size.





you should only be losing ammo when your out hunting. When your practicing use a catchbox. Takes 5 minutes to knock up and saves ammo.


I put up a thread on it....yes you might take the piiss but it works! Practice with this and apart from the odd ricochet...you will save all your ammo.



Edited by Blue Pocket Rocket
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Ha made a box just like that few months ago when I started lol didn't hear about it just thought it'd work does quite well the odd ball comes out but mostly good:) cost me buggar all to make apart from a bollocking from mother usin a towel hehe

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