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Iv had this 1year old albino jill for around 10 days. when i went to collect her the guy that took her out ofthe hutch said she tryed to bite him and thats the first time shes ever done that. So when i got her home i she kept trying to bite me. Theres times i take her out and she wont try and bite but i can only pick her up if shes not faceing me. She got her first rabbit the other day and she works well just want this biteing to stop. I went out tonight to fill her water up and she jumped out the hutch i had shorts and no socks on and she latched onto my ankle and when i pushed her away she came running back to try it again. NEED ADVICE HOW TO GET THAT OUT OF THE LITTLE SHIT. CHEERS

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Nipping is one thing but attacking is a sign of a nut case. I had a hob who leapt at me on opening the cage but after getting smacked back in a couple of times he packed it in and was fine after that. Some ferrets are just mental.

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Time & patience. She doesn't seem to have been brought up too kindly. She's on the offence. If she's that bad, use gloves and handle her plenty in the meanwhile.Try and make sure every time you handle her, it's worth her while (bit of meat/ferrets formula), she'll learn to realise you're well worth being around. She just seems very insecure and wants to defend herself before there is a real reason to. Keep her well fed, nothing acts well on an empty stomach. She'll click on and probably be very easy to deal with once she realises no harm is coming her way. Atb.

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im begining to think there is something about albino jills full stop mate my lads had his since 9 week old and its f*****g bonkers sounds similair nips allot but never enough to hurt and when you put it on the ground its like youve wound the key up and unleashed hell lol,ive seen ferrets dance about but this ones border line psychotic leaps around that much that if its on say the hutch lid it will fly off backwards etc, but then if i poke my finger through cage it just holds on to my finger lol also attacks my other ferrets has since 9 week old.just got another albino kit and that seems similair now its settling in it attacks others when there chillin and just generally is a live wire where my other two are quite laid back

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ive had 2 over the years that just went nuts and went from nice to psychotic overnight one old gill that took to leaping out of her hutch straight at my face and would bite at every opportunity and a young hob that went mad after a thunderstorm. both never did get anybetter no matter how much time was spent with them

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