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Having loadsa bother with a patt pupp, 13/14 weeks tried everything with the paper training carry on and now she can be out shes openly in and out all the time so can use the garden for toilet anytime. But prefers to use my carpets and rugs. She understands its wrong as everytime i come near her after shes done it she hides and squirms away. Ive give her treats for going outside and negative for inside and she still wants to piss on my mats. About had my fill now and gonna give her up before long. Any advice?

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A do when im out, its when im in thats the problem shes gotta have free run at some point and when she does its like join the dots of puddles of piss?

as i said put her out in a kennel and run she will have her own space and you wont be stepping in dog piss :thumbs:
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lock her outside every half hour when you are home and praise her loads if she does go outside, chuck her outside as soon as you get home and she gets out of the cage and most importantly i found with my pup chuck her outside as soon as she wakes up or bcomes active as this is when they are looking for the toilet, it is more about prevention i found. good luck :thumbs:

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I'm not disputing all this information, its not like shes got a problem going outside. She does use the toilet if i walk her or whatever more then enough for what she takes it but then when shes in the house its still little squirts all over, also she pisses with excitement which i pray is just a puppy thing with her.

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are you serious? "had my fill and gonna give her up before long" advice? do the right thing and get her a good home cos you come across as being clueless and heartless tbh. but i bet your going to tell me im a pr*ck and youve had loads a dogs?? 3month old and already scared of you? ah fu*k it im wasting me time typing this

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I have found that bitches talke longer than dogs, patience is a virtue, i have seen patterdale bitches 5 months old before they are completely house trained. If the pup is a little timid or on the submissive side they will urinate. Just give her some time its early days yet.

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are you serious? "had my fill and gonna give her up before long" advice? do the right thing and get her a good home cos you come across as being clueless and heartless tbh. but i bet your going to tell me im a pr*ck and youve had loads a dogs?? 3month old and already scared of you? ah fu*k it im wasting me time typing this


No i'm not gonna fill you with any bullshit irrelevant with the problem i've got, How do i become across as clueless? I'm discussing a general topic on a general thread... And heartless aye its been said. I never mentioned scared i said hides or squirms like i was going to say ' No bad girl' not lick her 7 shades all over the house. The problem i've got is its a newly decorated flat and shes using the toilet regularly outside, but she still has pisses over the top. Maybe its as simple as giving her less water but on a thread of 'hunters and dog men' not one mans suggested that

Edited by Ryan Clarke
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Mate nobody has suggested giving it less water because its a pretty stupid way to try and stop it piss'n.

You have to spend time with the pup, dont give it free reign of the house. Cage it, then take it outside to play, piss, whatever.

When back in the house cage it again, then later take it out again etc etc etc. The pup has to learn that outside is where to go, by restricting her movement indoors for a few days she will associate outdoors with relieving herself. you just have to persevere and put a wee bit of thought into it.


Yours in sport Pernod

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are you serious? "had my fill and gonna give her up before long" advice? do the right thing and get her a good home cos you come across as being clueless and heartless tbh. but i bet your going to tell me im a pr*ck and youve had loads a dogs?? 3month old and already scared of you? ah fu*k it im wasting me time typing this


No i'm not gonna fill you with any bullshit irrelevant with the problem i've got, How do i becom? I'm discussing a general topic on a general thread... And heartless aye its been said. I never mentioned scared i said hides or squirms like i was going to say ' No bad e across as cluelessgirl' not lick her 7 shades all over the house. The problem i've got is its a newly decorated flat and shes using the toilet regularly outside, but she still has pisses over the top. Maybe its as simple as giving her less water but on a thread of 'hunters and dog men' not one mans suggested that

you answerd your own question on being clueless mate. you need to listen to the advice thats being given for the pups sake.
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Is she actually taking a piss? Or is she just dribbling?


Could be bladder or urinary infection causing her to leak?


My bitch is 4 and will piss when she is excited. If I come home and make a big fuss I can guarantee to get pissed on.


All the best.

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