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chickens eating wild bird seed

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when we had the bad weather i put my 3 jap x pekin bantys and jap quail in a shed,

the quail in hutches and bantys running loose inside


when i used to bang the quail feeders out the bantys would rush over for the few bits of seed.


would it hurt to give the bantys the odd bit of wild bird food mixed in with their layers meal for bit of variety.


its natures feast high energy supreme food and what concerns me is the little suet pellets in it. :hmm:


the rest is millet,red dari,hemp etc.

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Im am led to believe that wild bird food might have a higher percentage of protien in it..and if the chook's start putting too much weight on it can cause them to be egg bound more often..if they are only eating bit's i suppose that will not matter with weight issue's..

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I'm currently bantamless after a visit from Mr Tod last spring but will be restocking this year after re-fox-proofing the garden. I found that my Welsumers ate virtually none of the layers' pellets and survived almost exclusively on what they scratched together from the garden.

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I feed layers pellets only in my feeders but I throw a few handfuls of wild bird seed and mixed corn out in the pen every other day to give them some good foraging. I also give them the chicken carcass from a Sunday roast and most other food scraps. They eat the lot. Remember they are omnivorous and will eat meat as well as veg and seeds.

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