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whats the funniest thing u have done out hunting

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one night coming back from my permision with my mates and dogs,we were walking up this alley that brings you out onto main road were all the pubs shops takeaways etc,we could hear this noise like a re

the lad who used to live next door to me was always nagging me to take him out lamping so one night i had knowone to go out with so i asked him if he wanted to come. we went to this horse field were

watched this lad get tangled up in electric fence :laugh:

i was on my land one night put the lamp on there was a fox out in the field, so slipped the dog over stone wall,this land went downhill then back up so ive jumped over after dog hitting it running down hill then all a sudden my legs went from under neath me ive gone flying face first into some marshy bits with my boots and 17ah battery hitting me in back of head :laugh:

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I've been wiped out by my dog at full tilt after a rabbit. He took my standing leg as i tried to move out the way, done a 3/4 somersault and face planted with the lamp still on :D My pal i was with didn't stop laughing for a good hour afterwards. My leg hurt for a few days too :D

Fished a little pond early one morn on some land, on the way back carrying 2 rods, bucket and a bag i slipped when going over the style, another face plant, broken rod tip, grazed shins and another very amused mate :D

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Was out lamping one night in a few cow fields and the bloke i was with ,his bitch had just caught a rabbit and he was bending down to take from her and this young bullok came stroming up behind and bucked him right in the arse,i could see it about to happen but it was just one of them time you couldn't get the words out of your mouth quick enough to warn him ,but it was funny as fcuk. :laugh:


then i was out with the same lad and an other one another time and we came to a fence that was high tension barb wire but i could see the black plastic conections to the post so i let one of the other lads climb through it first and just as i thought it was electric and it gave some kick out of it knocked back flying and screaming ,we must off stood there for around 20 minutes breaking our bollox laughing :laugh:


and out last week seen a set of eyes in the ditch and started calling it in and it came running but as i was calling another set of eyes came running in behind it and the second looked a lot bigger so i said to the lad with me leave cub and we try and take the bigger one but as they came in the fox at the back ran up and tryed to nail the one infront but it turned out it was a cat the fox tryed to take but it got a shock when the cat gave it a smack back but that was a first for me :icon_eek:

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Just lost balance as I was carrying my shit house little JRT across a ditch full of icy cold water while loaded up with ferreting gear. I was walking across a slippery metal pipe and as I lost my balance, both feet went from under me and came up, resulting in me hitting the water ass first. I was fecking drenched, and for a split second lay there on my back holding this fecking dog up in the air at arms length still dry as a f*****g bone.. :doh::laugh:

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years ago me and me two mates all got a blowie of a local slag who was camping out near a reservoir i didnt complain i was first haha and this is no wind up either we caught five rabbits aswell haha

sounds like a right do pal.

it was good at the time we went back to the same place but no sight or sound of her camping out ha ha ha

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was mooching around the farm with the lurcher my old collie and the old mutt after rabbits and a bloody fox came out of nowhere with the lurcher in hot persuit, the fox pulled a fast one by running along the wall of the slurry pit and my lurcher oblivious to the slurry pit not being a solid surface tried to take a shortcut. needless to say both me and the dog ended up being hosed down outside, cause when it came down to who had to go in the tank to save the dog i drew the short straw :laugh:

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we use to get trains out hunting from kingsx to herts with dogs busting to have a shit i went one side of the bush my pal went the other we putt a muntie out it hit him full on and he fell in his shit i thought it was funny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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