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Breaking stick's

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Don't get me wrong a breaking stick is something handy to have about the place. Imo you can never trust a dog 100%.


moll your not making your self sound hard you have to be hard as f**k to own bull cross dogs,by training them your spoiling the image of the breed for the kids on here.


Yep, bet the tough guys hate me :laugh:





Are you a vegetarian Moll :laugh::tongue2:


so you have a stick about the place just in case then moll.

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if you need a stick then the dog is thick...or in most cases badly trained...i have ran two bull x's of my own over the past 10yr's ..i have also used and been out with several other strong dog's over the year's and not once has a stick ever been needed..if i ever did need to use a stick i would be very disappointed with myself and give up running dogs.

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if you need a stick then the dog is thick...or in most cases badly trained...i have ran two bull x's of my own over the past 10yr's ..i have also used and been out with several other strong dog's over the year's and not once has a stick ever been needed..if i ever did need to use a stick i would be very disappointed with myself and give up running dogs.


Quote once where anyone has said they need a stick, you cannot because no one has said that. Your to quick to throw insults, you dont understand the uses and convience of a stick, simply because your ignorant and think you know better and are not open minded enough to listen.

Edited by Josy
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if you need a stick then the dog is thick...or in most cases badly trained...i have ran two bull x's of my own over the past 10yr's ..i have also used and been out with several other strong dog's over the year's and not once has a stick ever been needed..if i ever did need to use a stick i would be very disappointed with myself and give up running dogs.


badly trained lol i use a stick on all my dogs not just bullcrosses,and all my dog are very well trained,and i am never disappointed with the way i go about things,maybe you should give up dogs if you have to throw them in a pond.

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tbh its just another look at how hard my dogs are accesorie as far as im concerned.



how is owning and taking a stick out with a coursing dog,making my dog look hard ?


not the owning of it pursee.but the need to let everyone know.i couldnt be arsed with having to prise quarry from a dogs gob using bits of wood/metal/plastic..what the fucks that all about?

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