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Without spoiling the post about an old guy I thought iwould start a fresh en what's your views regarding quality of terriers comparing today's and in the good old days me personally I think the modern terrier is a lot better animal I don't mean the shite the likes of nuttall is pumping out these days I mean the ones genuine digging men own please remember in the so called good old days they use to use multiple dogs I don't intend this thread to become a slanging match just an honest debate I know a lot o gear go s back to the old lines but I feel these lines have been betterd by like minded men

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Digging is not rocket science any more put on the collar let in the dog dig to dog(If the diggers are fit)Back then dogs were often to ground for hours before they were even located that was what was

I think that even slight differences in the work that selects dogs as breeding material can have a huge impact on the breed-look at greyhounds-I think there is a big difference in temperment between d

and there lie s the prob laim how many dogs now adays are given 3 or 4 hours too settle down ie work there game get the pushing and shoving back and forth out of the way and only start digging when bo

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Some probably used multiple dogs but not all were the same hunt.I know a couple of men who are diging about 50 year or more and they would never contemplate doubling up dogs.I cant see why the dogs of today are any better than the dogs of old,if anything there not as good.Pre ban when brock was on the quarry list a lot of men were diging them with very game dogs as they had to be.A lot of the modern day dogs would not stay the distance with badger pre locator as the terriers of old did.A lot of the black dogs been bred today would be too hard to do the amount of time expected of a terrier in the old days.I know that around me there was a certain type of terrier bred for diging to badger and it had to be game but with brains and be able to stay the distance or it was of no use.People will argue over which terrier was superior old..new..then its everyone to there own.

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Without spoiling the post about an old guy I thought iwould start a fresh en what's your views regarding quality of terriers comparing today's and in the good old days me personally I think the modern terrier is a lot better animal I don't mean the shite the likes of nuttall is pumping out these days I mean the ones genuine digging men own please remember in the so called good old days they use to use multiple dogs I don't intend this thread to become a slanging match just an honest debate I know a lot o gear go s back to the old lines but I feel these lines have been betterd by like minded men

i would say there are better lines of terrier now but not better workers. not saying that the old ones were better,or themoden day ones are better thn the old.there was good and basd as there is now.one thing we often done when we were kids is walk the street and take any russle type dog out ith us even the odd black and tan then ,o blacks about them days lol. but even from homes who never worked they terrier they often came from welsh farm bred stock and god thy could stick to old billy .we used to leave them there go home for the nite go back the day after and they still be there,,, we never dug lot we were to young for that shit and we new village dogs that could stay in for days before goung home to sit on door step and let sun dry its wounds lol mind you all dog shit was white then to so a fair while back :thumbs:

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Some probably used multiple dogs but not all were the same hunt.I know a couple of men who are diging about 50 year or more and they would never contemplate doubling up dogs.I cant see why the dogs of today are any better than the dogs of old,if anything there not as good.Pre ban when brock was on the quarry list a lot of men were diging them with very game dogs as they had to be.A lot of the modern day dogs would not stay the distance with badger pre locator as the terriers of old did.A lot of the black dogs been bred today would be too hard to do the amount of time expected of a terrier in the old days.I know that around me there was a certain type of terrier bred for diging to badger and it had to be game but with brains and be able to stay the distance or it was of no use.People will argue over which terrier was superior old..new..then its everyone to there own.

hav 2 agree dnt think dogs of 2 day wud last distance wit the billy brock as the 1s years ago witout locaters mite find a few 2 day maybe but very few wud last the lengts of time expected bac den wit no finders jus an opinion atb :victory:

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Some probably used multiple dogs but not all were the same hunt.I know a couple of men who are diging about 50 year or more and they would never contemplate doubling up dogs.I cant see why the dogs of today are any better than he dogs of old,if anything there not as good.Pre ban when brock was on the quarry list a lot of men were diging them with very game dogs as they had to be.A lot of the modern day dogs would not stay the distance with badger pre locator as the terriers of old did.A lot of the black dogs been bred today would be too hard to do the amount of time expected of a terrier in the old days.I know that around me there was a certain type of terrier bred for diging to badger and it had to be game but with brains and be able to stay the distance or it was of no use.People will argue over which terrier was superior old..new..then its everyone to there own.

hav 2 agree dnt think dogs of 2 day wud last distance wit the billy brock as the 1s years ago witout locaters mite find a few 2 day maybe but very few wud last the lengts of time expected bac den wit no finders jus an opinion atb :victory:


back in the old days i was told they used more sounders than hard dogs my Granda kept russells that would be dug to with out a mark on them and then even if they were a couple feet from their quarry thats when his kerry blues or wheaten were brought into action and they were the ones that needed to be hard but do the job quick and not get too smashed up themselves because they did'nt have access antiboitics that we have today but i will say most of the wheatens and without doubt the kerry blues were alot harder then

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Without spoiling the post about an old guy I thought iwould start a fresh en what's your views regarding quality of terriers comparing today's and in the good old days me personally I think the modern terrier is a lot better animal I don't mean the shite the likes of nuttall is pumping out these days I mean the ones genuine digging men own please remember in the so called good old days they use to use multiple dogs I don't intend this thread to become a slanging match just an honest debate I know a lot o gear go s back to the old lines but I feel these lines have been betterd by like minded men


Digging is not rocket science any more put on the collar let in the dog dig to dog(If the diggers are fit)Back then dogs were often to ground for hours before they were even located that was what was expected of him nothing more or nothing less.If he came away or could not keep badgers in the one spot he did not come home.Back then there were plenty of men who entered two three or four dogs together but plenty of diggers STILL DO(There are idiots in our ranks since man domesticated wild dogs)Now we see posts of great dogs and digs lasting a few hours where the hero stuck to the task being the great dog that he is(THE MODERN DOG)Back then GOOD dogs stuck to the task for hours or days.There are still some very good dogs around today in small pockets with people who mind there own business and keep them selves to them selves.But there is a lot lot more shite than rock solid digging dogs.

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lads i think give respect to old billy the stuff of today or yesterday,if he wanted really to move he would.the size now of the dog is the key fill up the tube more and gives the terrier more of an advantage.obviously he has to be keen,the comparison is no locators many years ago so you looking for a very steady dog.having to dig 6 7 foot holes for it to move would be nightmare.even today.how many times have you come across a dog by accident not knowing its lines and it turned out to be a dinger.just my rant. :thumbs:

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lads i think give respect to old billy the stuff of today or yesterday,if he wanted really to move he would.the size now of the dog is the key fill up the tube more and gives the terrier more of an advantage.obviously he has to be keen,the comparison is no locators many years ago so you looking for a very steady dog.having to dig 6 7 foot holes for it to move would be nightmare.even today.how many times have you come across a dog by accident not knowing its lines and it turned out to be a dinger.just my rant. :thumbs:


That is wrong wrong wrong.These are the shite dogs I was talking about. A good dog lets no badger pass and one hole is dug.Back then if you gave two or three hours locating dig six or seven feet and then the dog moves(HE DID NOT COME HOME)That was the way it was and should still be.

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Guest dee mac

lads i think give respect to old billy the stuff of today or yesterday,if he wanted really to move he would.the size now of the dog is the key fill up the tube more and gives the terrier more of an advantage.obviously he has to be keen,the comparison is no locators many years ago so you looking for a very steady dog.having to dig 6 7 foot holes for it to move would be nightmare.even today.how many times have you come across a dog by accident not knowing its lines and it turned out to be a dinger.just my rant. :thumbs:


That is wrong wrong wrong.These are the shite dogs I was talking about. A good dog lets no badger pass and one hole is dug.Back then if you gave two or three hours locating dig six or seven feet and then the dog moves(HE DID NOT COME HOME)That was the way it was and should still be.

and there lie s the prob laim how many dogs now adays are given 3 or 4 hours too settle down ie work there game get the pushing and shoving back and forth out of the way and only start digging when both terrier and game are settled not too many ! different time s different ways off doing things since the old locater changed terrierwork (for the better in my opinion) but it did have the effect of lads starting too dig long before dog had settled. in the bigger places dogs need time and the right work style too keep stuff in a pocket untill diggers arrive as you know yourself some places are like mazes and its occupant knows every nook and cranny but if dog is of proper stuff he will eventually wear him down and in places like this with huge tubes is were i ve seen the so called mute hard terriers come undone as there never letting there quarry settle always trying to force the issue and trying too fight to a finish instead of working and then the steady forcefull worker goes in and gets the result as he know his job and that hes part of a team and that he alone wont get job finished with out the help from above but it take s time and i think the golden rule is allowing dog too settle into his work before starting too dig as for the old and new debate there s always been good dogs and bad dogs no matter what era there from and only way you d ever know is if the top dogs of 50 years ago were here now too compare till dogs of today so no point worrying about it never look back always forward imo.

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lads i think give respect to old billy the stuff of today or yesterday,if he wanted really to move he would.the size now of the dog is the key fill up the tube more and gives the terrier more of an advantage.obviously he has to be keen,the comparison is no locators many years ago so you looking for a very steady dog.having to dig 6 7 foot holes for it to move would be nightmare.even today.how many times have you come across a dog by accident not knowing its lines and it turned out to be a dinger.just my rant. :thumbs:


That is wrong wrong wrong.These are the shite dogs I was talking about. A good dog lets no badger pass and one hole is dug.Back then if you gave two or three hours locating dig six or seven feet and then the dog moves(HE DID NOT COME HOME)That was the way it was and should still be.

so your telling me a small type patt will keep a good size big fox,where ever he wants him,all he doing is annoying him an educated sham will wait then move before break in.now to call them shite dogs is a bit harsh just cause there a little too well fed,i seen certain man on here digging very fast to a dog of his one day.no leaving him too long in case of what still baffles me.the hole was top of the ground.liam your telling me you never and i mean never seen a so called class dog not let the big lad pass.they not robots. :thumbs:

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