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i know they can be pricey,but lets face it,for the sake of a few quid and if the vets a good one.......you get your dog sorted and pain free if its a major injury.surely that should be all that matters.yea we can all moan about the price afterwards,but me personally the welfare of my animals is foremost in my mind.if i cant fix it myself,then its off to the vets and i excpect to dig to deep in my pocket.

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well the pups up and running all of a sudden called the pups out to feed them and she flew out and wolfed down a load with them that her first feed shes had in days so it looks like shes on the mend ive kept her seperate now just to make sure shes not vomiting it back up if shes the same later then she can go back in :thumbs:

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personally i think its expensive.My old dog ran full belt into a drain and could stand up for 6 weeks.Vet took him him ,hooked him up to a drip for a few days ,fed him ,gave him pain killers and anti in flamatries and only charged me 80 euro .Thats around 60 sterling i think.At the end of the day id of paid anything to sort him out because he was a very good dog and he has re paid the favour many a day out since :D

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Same old same old with the vets - if they sort your probs out with the minimum of fuss and expense they're the best vet in the land but if things drag on or the beast snuffs it and it's costly they automatically become a rip off useless twat. :thumbs:

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the bit that gets me with vets aint paying their night call out fee or diagnosis fees its the mark up on everyday products take hibiscrub £7 for 100ml fron vet £8.99 for 500ml from countrywise stores :thumbdown:

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my excess is also £60 but try £5000 for overnight nursing and thats no treatment just to nurse through the night then your talking expensive , and yes i signed the consent papers because to me my dogs are everything and il throw every penny ive got and more at them to make sure there ok

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My son and his girlfriend have 2 cats, one of the cats was getting very thin and having difficulty breathing and it's nose was all gunged up, they kept going back and forth to vet who charged them a fortune every time. Then the vet decided to scan the cat and told them it had a tumour at the back of it's nasal passage and would need put to sleep, the scan was £130 on top of all the other hundreds of pounds they paid and he wanted another £80 put the cat to sleep, now this is my sons girlfriends precious wee cat and she couldn't let the vet put it to sleep.So the cat goes back home and got worse over thenext few months, and they asked me to take the cat to my vet who is a little country vet and doesn't have a big fancy practice,to put the cat to sleep. I took the cat leaving my sons girlfriend devastated, when i got to the vets and told him it's history and to put it to sleep he asked if he could check the cat over under anaesthetic to which i said "of course", he phoned me within the hour to say he had operated on the cat and removed the tumour and the cat would be fine, and the price was £50 for everything.......now bearing in mind my sons girlfriend was still in tears thinking the cat was pts as i didn't tell her my vet was checking him over incase he wasn't going to make it......OMG you should have seen the tears when i walked in with her wee cat and told her he'd be fine :yahoo: ........and that was 2yrs ago and he's still going strong, if they had listened to first vet she wouldn't have her wee cat today and it cost them a fortune at a rip off vet that didn't have a clue....... but hey ho, happy ending :good:

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My son and his girlfriend have 2 cats, one of the cats was getting very thin and having difficulty breathing and it's nose was all gunged up, they kept going back and forth to vet who charged them a fortune every time. Then the vet decided to scan the cat and told them it had a tumour at the back of it's nasal passage and would need put to sleep, the scan was £130 on top of all the other hundreds of pounds they paid and he wanted another £80 put the cat to sleep, now this is my sons girlfriends precious wee cat and she couldn't let the vet put it to sleep.So the cat goes back home and got worse over thenext few months, and they asked me to take the cat to my vet who is a little country vet and doesn't have a big fancy practice,to put the cat to sleep. I took the cat leaving my sons girlfriend devastated, when i got to the vets and told him it's history and to put it to sleep he asked if he could check the cat over under anaesthetic to which i said "of course", he phoned me within the hour to say he had operated on the cat and removed the tumour and the cat would be fine, and the price was £50 for everything.......now bearing in mind my sons girlfriend was still in tears thinking the cat was pts as i didn't tell her my vet was checking him over incase he wasn't going to make it......OMG you should have seen the tears when i walked in with her wee cat and told her he'd be fine :yahoo: ........and that was 2yrs ago and he's still going strong, if they had listened to first vet she wouldn't have her wee cat today and it cost them a fortune at a rip off vet that didn't have a clue....... but hey ho, happy ending :good:


Nice one

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I lived in Bristol for the last year and found the vets on average about 60-80% dearer than at home in Brum, back in Brum now, my vets a farmers daughter, no bullshit and when she isn't there the other vet is a mad italian woodcock hunter who understands working dogs!!

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personally i think its expensive.My old dog ran full belt into a drain and could stand up for 6 weeks.Vet took him him ,hooked him up to a drip for a few days ,fed him ,gave him pain killers and anti in flamatries and only charged me 80 euro .Thats around 60 sterling i think.At the end of the day id of paid anything to sort him out because he was a very good dog and he has re paid the favour many a day out since :D


Well that's easy to say when you've just payed 80 euro but if you'd have paid nearer the 1000 euro which you could well have done round here then I'm sure you opinion would be a lot different!

There needs to be some kind of standard fees for treatment and set percentage mark ups on medication.

It's not like you can run about getting quotes in an emergency.

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