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Just wondering if anyone has/had this cross, and what sort of general temperament they have? Anything you can tell me about them?


I've got one (I think :laugh:). He's only just going on about 7 weeks, I got him very very young - I'll spare you the circumstances, mostly because I'm fair certain you'd all take the piss :laugh:


I'm not bothered so much about his working potential but obviously it'd be nice if he would bush out a bit for my other two when we're mooching.


Here he is in all his glory :icon_redface:








And his size in comparison to my rather large whippet





He's about as big as a guinea pig at the moment but I reckon he'll get to about 10-12 inches. For his age he seems a proper little cracker. I've never in my life kept a terrier tho; I confess I've always lived in fear of them being psychos :laugh: and I haven't a clue what to expect :icon_eek:

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Personally the very few dogs ive known with border in have had very good temperaments and good noses with a generally chilled out attitude when not hunting. I bet you will have a great time with it and wonder why you never had a terrier before!

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Personally the very few dogs ive known with border in have had very good temperaments and good noses with a generally chilled out attitude when not hunting. I bet you will have a great time with it and wonder why you never had a terrier before!


Much better, ta :laugh:


Thanks fellas - I know he's cute, that's sort of how I ended up with him :icon_redface: But he was so friggin' small at first I wondered wtf he was. Now I can see he's a border/jack mix I'm happier, I've always fancied borders. I suppose I'd better keep my eye on here and read up tho, else I'm likely to make a mess of things with him :laugh:

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Personally the very few dogs ive known with border in have had very good temperaments and good noses with a generally chilled out attitude when not hunting. I bet you will have a great time with it and wonder why you never had a terrier before!


Much better, ta :laugh:


Thanks fellas - I know he's cute, that's sort of how I ended up with him :icon_redface: But he was so friggin' small at first I wondered wtf he was. Now I can see he's a border/jack mix I'm happier, I've always fancied borders. I suppose I'd better keep my eye on here and read up tho, else I'm likely to make a mess of things with him :laugh:

did you see the white one in the lost section looks a nice sort :thumbs:

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I agree with you there banjo. Because he's so young I daren't walk him just yet. Not the least because his legs are so small he'd probably collapse at the end of the road :laugh: So I've been carrying him around on my mooches in a canvass bag :11: He goes where I go with my dogs, gets to see/hear/smell everything ... on the school run, to the shop, on the farm, in the woods. He just sits there with his head poking out the bag, watching everything and being coo-ed at by all and sundry.


Paris Hilton ain't got nothing on my scruffy bag and my mongrel terrier!

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Hiya Jen,he looks a little cracker ,and that last pick of him looks like he is well settled and best mates with dennis thumbs.gif

had a jack russel a good few years ago,he was fit as a fiddle running after the lurchers and rooting about in cover puting stuff up.

ive thought about getting a terrier again but ,would be botherd about it going to ground all the time while out mooching with all the sets about nowadays we i live.

all the best with the little fella, what have you called him?

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Alright Lofti :D


I do worry about him doing to ground, as yous call it. There's a fair few fox round here just now. If he went down a hole I have no idea what I'd do. Panic, cry, then call for help I guess :laugh: He's wicked at killing flip flops tho (little b@stard), if that's any indication of what he's going to be like! I wouldn't call him and the whippet best mates: Dennis is a victim and the pup just decided that he was going to be his four legged chew toy. Thank God he's got a sound temperament.


Don't know if you ever seen that cartoon, The Regular Show? The kids called him after the smart ass raccoon - Rigby :laugh: It suits him as well.


Taught him to fetch his stuffed Peppa Pig last night and 'give' when I asked. How clever are terriers?!

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Alright Lofti :D


I do worry about him doing to ground, as yous call it. There's a fair few fox round here just now. If he went down a hole I have no idea what I'd do. Panic, cry, then call for help I guess :laugh: He's wicked at killing flip flops tho (little b@stard), if that's any indication of what he's going to be like! I wouldn't call him and the whippet best mates: Dennis is a victim and the pup just decided that he was going to be his four legged chew toy. Thank God he's got a sound temperament.


Don't know if you ever seen that cartoon, The Regular Show? The kids called him after the smart ass raccoon - Rigby :laugh: It suits him as well.


Taught him to fetch his stuffed Peppa Pig last night and 'give' when I asked. How clever are terriers?!


I'd happily did it out for you Jenni! And Rigby is a proper bonnie lad, I am jealous!

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