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Heard there giving india 1 Billion in hand outs over the next four years, considering all the cuts there making to the TAX payers of the uk it makes me sick!! Let them stand on there own two feet, charity begans at home!

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It gets worse. The Indian gov't have said they don't need it! India, which is the biggest democracy in the world, has one of the fastest growing economies, along with Brazil. They won't turn down the dosh, they ain't that daft, but they are getting to the point where they resent being classed with some dodgy African dictatorship.


Ric :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Edited by RicW
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Naturally the government have to dole out a billion to India, how else will our politicians get very lucrative positions 'working' for Indian companies once they leave office / are booted out? I guess India will be glad to be given about a third of the estimated $4.8 billion cost of their 2016 manned mission to the moon.

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Theresn five hundred million Indians, a billion Chinkys.....all with up and coming economys and more money in their pocket to spend, and they will only get richer.


Thats a lot of spending power!!....if they spend a chunk of it on British goods and services then a billion quid is a piss in the ocean!! :yes:

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Guest thebigdog

Theresn five hundred million Indians, a billion Chinkys.....all with up and coming economys and more money in their pocket to spend, and they will only get richer.


Thats a lot of spending power!!....if they spend a chunk of it on British goods and services then a billion quid is a piss in the ocean!! :yes:


theres over a billion indians and over a billion chinks.

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Theresn five hundred million Indians, a billion Chinkys.....all with up and coming economys and more money in their pocket to spend, and they will only get richer.


Thats a lot of spending power!!....if they spend a chunk of it on British goods and services then a billion quid is a piss in the ocean!! :yes:


theres over a billion indians and over a billion chinks.


Another good reason for having trident

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Guest thebigdog

the reason there giving them the money is because they know their economy will overtake the british one, so if your government helps with their economy when they need it, in the future india will help out the british economy when it can, so its really an investment on your governments part. spend one bilion get 2 billion back.

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I think the government do the following.


1. Stop spending completely and cancel everything including foreign aid.


2. Close all the tax loop holes that the rich and big businesses are able to use.


3. Work out exactly have much money they will have coming in each year.


4. Look at which services are the most important and fund those.


5. Tell people which services we can no longer afford and hold a referendum to see if people prefer to do without or would rather pay more tax.


6. Single out the people that caused this, prosecute them and if convicted imprison them.


I was always raised with the mind set of if I can't pay for it now then I don't have it.

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Guest thebigdog

I think the government do the following.


1. Stop spending completely and cancel everything including foreign aid.


2. Close all the tax loop holes that the rich and big businesses are able to use.


3. Work out exactly have much money they will have coming in each year.


4. Look at which services are the most important and fund those.


5. Tell people which services we can no longer afford and hold a referendum to see if people prefer to do without or would rather pay more tax.


6. Single out the people that caused this, prosecute them and if convicted imprison them.


I was always raised with the mind set of if I can't pay for it now then I don't have it.


in theory its good, but if you stop spending completely it will destroy you economy. look at the loan your government gave to us, 7 billion quid. thats the same amount of cuts your country has to endure this year, u could say fu ck the irish and keep that money, and yous would be 7 billion better off, in theory. but when you add the fact that were the largest importer of british goods in the the world, if our ecomomy fails, your economy fails.


as for tax loopholes if you close them, all the big bussiness will move to other countrys with better suited tax laws, the loopholes are a cu nt i agree but they are a neccessary evil if you want a prosperus country.


and as for number 6, i agree with most, except the imprisoning them bit, those robing bast@rds deserve no less than execution.

Edited by thebigdog
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I think the government do the following.


1. Stop spending completely and cancel everything including foreign aid.


2. Close all the tax loop holes that the rich and big businesses are able to use.


3. Work out exactly have much money they will have coming in each year.


4. Look at which services are the most important and fund those.


5. Tell people which services we can no longer afford and hold a referendum to see if people prefer to do without or would rather pay more tax.


6. Single out the people that caused this, prosecute them and if convicted imprison them.


I was always raised with the mind set of if I can't pay for it now then I don't have it.


in theory its good but if you stop spending completely it will destroy you economy, look at the loan your government gave to us, 7 billion quid. thats the same amount of cuts your country has to endure this year, u could say fu ck the irish and keep that money, and yous would be 7 billion better off, in theory. but when you add the fact that were the largest importer of british good in the the world, if our ecomomy fails your economy fails.


as for tax loopholes if you close them, all the big bussiness will move to other countrys with better suited tax laws, the loopholes are a cu nt i agree but they are a neccessary evil if you want a prosperus country.


and as for number 6, i agree with most, except the imprisoning them bit, those robing bast@rds deserve no less than execution.


I know its idealism but maybe its something the country should work towards. If we are such a rich nation then we should stop borrowing. We might have to at the moment but we never should have in the first place. Without knowing my economic history I guess it all started in the 1940s.

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