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someones sick

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Well tbh simonman i would normally just ignore the p***k but this has been on several forums and gumtree lol.So now its getting to the stage where i aint putting up with it now.If he wants attention well he can have it and has it i beleive.I kicked him out for being a violent horrible nasty lazy git ive saved a fortune not having him here.I will not have my name and all the accusations posted all over the place and not say a word.


I'm not going to get involved in the ins and outs of your dispute as we have two arguments and how can this be resolved over a forum regardless of who starts the thread, BUT you put someones full name and address on the forum and that IS uacceptable, if this happens again you will be deleted. You claim this is adversy affecting your life so I suggest you sort this out via the correct channels and not in cyber land with a thread that flutuates between arguing Springer style and flirting like some tacky sex chat line.............

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the pups look great but if i was you i'd have that slipper put to sleep,, it looks in a bad way

Billy when will you Learn your gonna really end up regretting spreading a load of shite about me.These pups for those who havent met EDITED BY SIMOMAN, NO ADDRESSES FFS mother cant catch a cold only c

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Well tbh simonman i would normally just ignore the p***k but this has been on several forums and gumtree lol.So now its getting to the stage where i aint putting up with it now.If he wants attention well he can have it and has it i beleive.I kicked him out for being a violent horrible nasty lazy git ive saved a fortune not having him here.I will not have my name and all the accusations posted all over the place and not say a word.


I'm not going to get involved in the ins and outs of your dispute as we have two arguments and how can this be resolved over a forum regardless of who starts the thread, BUT you put someones full name and address on the forum and that IS uacceptable, if this happens again you will be deleted. You claim this is adversy affecting your life so I suggest you sort this out via the correct channels and not in cyber land with a thread that flutuates between arguing Springer style and flirting like some tacky sex chat line.............

As i said not putting up with him any longer going onto sites and causing bother cos hes clearly not got anything better to do i see it as a bit of a joke to be honest cos of some of the crap that spilled out of his mouth

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Well tbh simonman i would normally just ignore the p***k but this has been on several forums and gumtree lol.So now its getting to the stage where i aint putting up with it now.If he wants attention well he can have it and has it i beleive.I kicked him out for being a violent horrible nasty lazy git ive saved a fortune not having him here.I will not have my name and all the accusations posted all over the place and not say a word.


I'm not going to get involved in the ins and outs of your dispute as we have two arguments and how can this be resolved over a forum regardless of who starts the thread, BUT you put someones full name and address on the forum and that IS uacceptable, if this happens again you will be deleted. You claim this is adversy affecting your life so I suggest you sort this out via the correct channels and not in cyber land with a thread that flutuates between arguing Springer style and flirting like some tacky sex chat line.............

As i said not putting up with him any longer going onto sites and causing bother cos hes clearly not got anything better to do i see it as a bit of a joke to be honest cos of some of the crap that spilled out of his mouth



Andn as I said, no more using the site to settle private fueds, it ends here. If he starts threads and posts about you he will be gone and vice versa...........I feel for any child in this situation but the thread just turned into petty name calling and some lonely hearts......

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Guest Buttermilk

Ethyl if someone hits your kids you go to the police! you don,t come on here flirting you sick f**k. this has gone past a joke now ,get this pair of halfwits off the site.



I agree, you're an utter disgrace.

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Billy when will you Learn your gonna really end up regretting spreading a load of shite about me.These pups for those who havent met EDITED BY SIMOMAN, NO ADDRESSES FFS mother cant catch a cold only cats not to mention is epileptic and never been very well looked after as he really only bothers with himself.Hes just pissed cos his other dog after a few attempts finally managed to maul a 2 year old.that and he cant have me and his old washed up fat tart at the same time.Mr scott got a dog destroyed because he could toilet rain it a rescue dog at that.His favourite passtime is beating up women and terrorising young kids i already got the solicitor involved had the police involved after his repeated attempts to break in to my flat and all sorts of other crap.But no doubt it will be the usual wisnae me shit even though hes been well and truely caught out you best be thinking about who my adopted dad knows before you keep on with this pile of shite you keep spreading you should really get a life.You allowed one dog to snap at two kids then left it alone with a third and look what happened you remember the one Tilly the 3 legged super dog that could pull down anything LMFAO.The others only crime was to toilet in the house cos you left them all f*****g night and day till you crawled out of bed at 4 in the afternoon if you would like proof it can be provided i have many many witnesses to your lazy arsehole ways.i will make this super clear cos i know your thick and make it easy for you


if your so f*****g brave why did you give a refund for two pups which you didnt get back????????????????????????????? or shall we get into how you dont look after your ferrets either and how you let one die cos you werent feeding them in the dead of winter hmmmmmmmm

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