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first outing


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For the past 11 years my airgun has been either in the wardrobe or chucked in the back of the van, due to only useing the rimfire, but last week picked up a webley 8 lite for decent price, needed one for the rats on my contracts, got it zeroed in and went for a mooch on a large country house where i do the moles, got there at 7.30, and see 3 squizzers on the lawn, but the owner was walking down to put her horses away so they scarpered, had a little chat and told her where i'll be and went on my way, walking down the half a mile drive(yes thats right) i spot some bunnies bout 200yds away, i aint used to this stalking lark any more, half way down my heavy footed stalk all of the 6 rabbits spotted me and maybe heard me and legged it, great start u clumsy tw$t. so thought i would try the paddocks, crept round the trees near the paddock and see 3 3/4 grown sitting munching thier supper, got on my belly and started to crawl in range, got to bout 25 yards and they hadnt moved an inch, gun up safety off, whack, woohoo first stalked rabbit with an air gun for years, the other 2 looked up at thier mate so took aim at the next and whack numer 2, the other ran off then, went up to the duck pond to see if any were about there and 1 sat about 40 yards away and was ready to bolt so on my belly again (aint going to try kneeling shots yet been to used to the wing mirror for too long) dot and half hold over and down he went, that was about all i saw as the light was going but enjoyed my air gun foray no pics this time but theres plenty more days to come with the air gun yet

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Good going Nod,gives you a bit of satisfaction knowing you have to get so close in for a clean kill. its like you're beating bunnies at their own game by being quiet and careful.Sounds like you enjoyed your trip out bud, keep it up and happy stalking!!

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