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Deerhound Cross,

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I was reading CPs, topic with interest, I had that breed, in the late 60s, it was a common breed back in those days,they have a very kind and gentle temperament, for such a large hunting dog, mine were the 3/4 grey/1/4 deer hound,all around the 28" mark, with good broken and rough coats, colour, was 2 grey blues, and 2 fawns, with a nice beard, on one, very good feet,good bone, and good length,

to there backs, could do all what was required from them, pick up a running rabbit with no problems, they are really a good dog once they get balanced out, and fully developed, ((( around 18 months /2 years old, it was a natural ability to carry back to you and jump like a Stag,((( but when you are a young Laddie, 2 years seems a long time to wait, for your young fellow to come to the fore, and in those days, there was a lot of knowledgeable, dog men about, hunting had Freedom, and of course you had to be a bit thick skinned to stand all, the jesting, that was throwing at you, and your hound, so in all, it is interesting to hear, of the revival of that famous old breed of Lurcher, (((( for me the collie x with a smidgen of saluki in for lung power, are very hard to beat,

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Whin, just go outside and take a picture of your dogs and put it up, on here, for people to see what type you have.

I wondered how long it would be before you came on with youre inane and illiterate comments !! Whin, I've owned and ran all types of pure and cross bred dogs for over 40 years, not just here, but all

artic asking if any one has real good deerhounds my mates beeing after one for two seasons all the kepers and me and other guys have bulls , saluk crosses colie types , hees after a good deerhound typ

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I know what you mean about holding them back, BL; mine is only 9 month, and my heart is in my mouth when she takes off on a "fun run" across the plough, or takes a sheep netting fence in her stride at full speed !! It's easy to see how people with less experience of the bigger breeds might be tempted to start them to soon, but I think they take longer to mature than the "normal" Lurcher breeds. I'm in no hurry with Lima, her training and growing is going well, she'll have all summer to be a pup, and maybe start her around september.



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i to have saw several deerhound crosses back in the eighties , over by in america several and saw a few recently , but yet up to date not saw any the stamp of the ones in the eighties and over by in america ,hopefully theyll get to be were they are as good as apurpose bred colie saluks type , and be bred with keen hunting guys who well , stray to test a dog and not just bred for show and rossete hunters , be good if THE SCOTTISH DEERHOUND WOULD MAKE ACOME BACK AND BE THERE WITH WHAT I CALL AGOOD MODERN LURCHER , HOPEFULLY

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i to have saw several deerhound crosses back in the eighties , over by in america several and saw a few recently , but yet up to date not saw any the stamp of the ones in the eighties and over by in america ,hopefully theyll get to be were they are as good as apurpose bred colie saluks type , and be bred with keen hunting guys who well , stray to test a dog and not just bred for show and rossete hunters , be good if THE SCOTTISH DEERHOUND WOULD MAKE ACOME BACK AND BE THERE WITH WHAT I CALL AGOOD MODERN LURCHER , HOPEFULLY


I wondered how long it would be before you came on with youre inane and illiterate comments !! Whin, I've owned and ran all types of pure and cross bred dogs for over 40 years, not just here, but all over the world...and seen your super dogs down in the south of the States,and yes, they are great dogs, just like the Boar Dogs in Oz and NZ, and the Salukis, Sloughi's, Tazi's and Borzois of the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, etc. !! But we are talking about DEERHOUND X's HERE IN THE UK !! As far as I'm concerned, they have NEVER been away, and are no worse, probably better, than the dogs of the '80's !! There ARE plenty of lads running Deer X's with great success at the moment; just 'cause you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they're not there !!



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take no notice of the clown whin cp,i have seen many deerhound crosses running what they where bred for,and imho,they take some beating,i used to run the andy barron bred dogs back in the 80s,whin likes to think hes the only one that hunts,but there loads of lads on here out as much if not more then him,just some dont see the need to brag and talk bollox :victory:


Cheers, mate :thumbs:

Edited by chartpolski
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a good ole pal of mines had a andy baron cross early ninties to mid ninties he was not a bad dog just lacked good wind and over heated alot when we ran him hard , and needed a lot of room to turn but when he latched on to the qaurry he was not going any were ,its good to here there still real deals working THE SCOTTISH DEERHOUND TYPE, being a scotsman be good to see some decent ones doing the bizness ,and getting tested hard for a few seasons ,up my way we called them stags got pics here of a few local ones,one thingi liked the deerhound cross didnt take much to learn to jump ,how do they compare to the saluk crosses nowadays in the hunting senseas it seems thats the preferd cross , were as years ago they were all stag collies ,or derhoijund greyhound crosses , when was the last time charti you saw a deerhound cross catch three winter hares or two , on big land as i have saw them do it but years ago mate, can any one tell me are the ass good as the goppod saluk crosses ive had or sawlike my old mate had anothers chartie just trying to get the jist of them the ones youse all show pictures of , whats there working ability like mate

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a good ole pal of mines had a andy baron cross early ninties to mid ninties he was not a bad dog just lacked good wind and over heated alot when we ran him hard , and needed a lot of room to turn but when he latched on to the qaurry he was not going any were ,its good to here there still real deals working THE SCOTTISH DEERHOUND TYPE, being a scotsman be good to see some decent ones doing the bizness ,and getting tested hard for a few seasons ,up my way we called them stags got pics here of a few local ones,one thingi liked the deerhound cross didnt take much to learn to jump ,how do they compare to the saluk crosses nowadays in the hunting senseas it seems thats the preferd cross , were as years ago they were all stag collies ,or derhoijund greyhound crosses , when was the last time charti you saw a deerhound cross catch three winter hares or two , on big land as i have saw them do it but years ago mate, can any one tell me are the ass good as the goppod saluk crosses ive had or sawlike my old mate had anothers chartie just trying to get the jist of them the ones youse all show pictures of , whats there working ability like mate


Whin, stop being a dope, mate !! Obviously I can't tell you the last time I caught a hare, unless it was pre ban !! But believe me, there are Deer X's around who would do winter hares if the ban wasn't here !! I used to show pics of my catches, but some arseholes caused trouble; so no pics of catches now !! If you honestly think that there isn't Deer X's doing the business now, then you are not realy in the game !



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mate ive run biggish land since a boy and saw all sorts,run ,but been years since i saw a good deerhound type run on open land be good to see as its been along time ,dont no any coursing hunting lads nowadays youse them mate like the saluks are they still there ,yet to see one killing day time for years ,mate ,i woulg give someone a free nite hunting if they had real deals and see what they are like mate

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ps i have a genuine mate who is agrouse keeper looking for one he has thenland wel out the way but he asks me to see afew and se what stamp they are orhe can accomadate us but hees a serous dog man so they have to be good running dogs as he doesnt keep them long once there up he had agood one caut daylite nite time all the qaurry you could ask for , he would like another he has had bull crosss no wind alot of saluks no coat so he asks me to see if there any good ones we can accomadate the [bANNED TEXT] type if they can run well

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mate ive run biggish land since a boy and saw all sorts,run ,but been years since i saw a good deerhound type run on open land be good to see as its been along time ,dont no any coursing hunting lads nowadays youse them mate like the saluks are they still there ,yet to see one killing day time for years ,mate ,i woulg give someone a free nite hunting if they had real deals and see what they are like mate



I'm not talking Fen dogs or match dogs, I'm talking genuine, all round dogs !! You move the goal posts so often it makes me dzzy !! I know of Deer X's right now, this minute, that would make your hair curl !! You sound like an amateur, mate, not the seasoned dog man you claim to be ! If you haven't seen any good Deer X's... so be it, you aren't looking in the right places !



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WHIN why do you always have to put SCOTTISH DEERHOUNDS when every

one just puts deerhounds we know they are a scottish bred we dont

need reminding all the time.

As already said the thread is about the deerhound x not the saluki,

collie,bedlington or bull but you have to go and spoil yet another

good thread by saying you had this your mate had that.



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no amatuer thats for sure but nobody runs them up in my kneck of the woods the ones that are about are like pets ,most have saluk crosses odd bull cross and collie types ,my feind is looking for a genuine all round dog ,,he has treid the bull cross etc as i says if you no any real good ones heel travel or they can travel ,he does mostly vermin but likes a run out on qaud and have a free course at the white rabbits lol,now if you ever question my hunting knowledge skills you are welcome to see what kind of amatuer i am ,not,i ask acivil questin now i expect a civil answer easy as , if hewanted agood strong saluk type not aprob acollie type not a prob,but he is like me in the respect he has to see them doing something to make him like a dog ,i could get astag hound but would prefer to see A SCOTTISH DEERHOUND TYPE WORK ON THE QUITE A DECENT ONE ETC .PM ME ITS NOT A PROB , BUT THEY HAVE TO BE GENUINE ,MATE AS ITS HIS JOB AND HIS LIFE ON THE HILLS

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WHAT DO I PUT UP scottish deerhound for to, winde youse up and let you remember were they came from lol i never thought i could get you to bite but there always one mate scotch deerhound lol laughing now ,like the one with the dragging ferret lol and being serous ask border lad singlehanded other guys what kind of amatuer i am charti and the dogs mate ,if a man has agood dog im the first to shake his hand and say well done butr cant abide rossetes and pictures of nonworking dogs thats are not hard and fit mate , just the way i am ,if igave up eating fresh game tomoz and couldnt off load it dogs would be gone easy as , as thye can be a tie andwell cause you greif lol

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a good ole pal of mines had a andy baron cross early ninties to mid ninties he was not a bad dog just lacked good wind and over heated alot when we ran him hard , and needed a lot of room to turn but when he latched on to the qaurry he was not going any were ,its good to here there still real deals working THE SCOTTISH DEERHOUND TYPE, being a scotsman be good to see some decent ones doing the bizness ,and getting tested hard for a few seasons ,up my way we called them stags got pics here of a few local ones,one thingi liked the deerhound cross didnt take much to learn to jump ,how do they compare to the saluk crosses nowadays in the hunting senseas it seems thats the preferd cross , were as years ago they were all stag collies ,or derhoijund greyhound crosses , when was the last time charti you saw a deerhound cross catch three winter hares or two , on big land as i have saw them do it but years ago mate, can any one tell me are the ass good as the goppod saluk crosses ive had or sawlike my old mate had anothers chartie just trying to get the jist of them the ones youse all show pictures of , whats there working ability like mate

iv seen them take longears in ireland,my mate had a deerxwhip /whipetxgrey and she had great staying power, rarely got injured and she had a habit of tracking them if shed lost it as she had a great nose.i reckon these qualities came from the quater deer

Edited by kevin kiely
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Whin, you don't ask civil questions mate !! You jump on every thread and tell us all that the dogs we are talking about, wether it be Deerhounds, Saluki's, Whippets, etc., are shit and not as good as your dogs or the dogs you had or the dogs your mates in America have !! EVERY SINGLE THREAD is the same reply !! You are the only "true hunter", no one else tests their dogs, only you !! I've had numerous PM's asking if you are mad, crazy, etc.; my reply has been that I don't know you, and don't realy want to !! Get a life mate !



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