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Shotgun ammo for Foxes

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Hi all, Just wonderin' what y'all use for charlie? I used Eley Maximum 34gm in BB last year and wasn't best pleased by the performance, I'm thinking of getting hold of some Eley Alphamax 36gm AAA or Lyalvale Super Game 36gm AAA or if I'm feeling exceedingly dumb Eley Alphamax Magnum 2 3/4 42gm BB, not sure I really want to go into 46gm or 50gm Gamebore Buffalo territory- I'll leave that for the Semi auto chaps! (having said that... might be a good excuse to get one...hmmm :hmm: ) I might just keep the BBs for drey busting and the AAAs for charlie... what are your choices?


I don't really want this to turm into a thread debating whether you should or should not shoot foxes with a shotgun so please just stick to ammo...




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Yikes! that's some "heavy sh*t" you guys are shooting, perhaps look into Alphamax magnum 23/4 inch and 3 inch 42gm and 46gm respectively....- only thing is that they don't come in AAA- only BB- I did a pattern test the other day and found that 1/2 gives the best pattern (with BBs)- pretty even and good density- 3/4 on the other hand you end up with quite a gappy pattern with groups of 6 or so pellets together.

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Shot many driven foxes using Eley 36G BB's through 1/4 and 1/2 choke 12bore O/U. shoot em a long way out and it won't kill em clean but out to 30-35yrds it drops em well if you shoot em in the front end :thumbs: Many people try shooting foxes on fox drives out at rifle ranges (50-80yards) with shotguns when driven it simply won't work! :thumbdown:


Wait till they are close or let them go for the lurchers further out :thumbs:

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Hi all, Just wonderin' what y'all use for charlie? I used Eley Maximum 34gm in BB last year and wasn't best pleased by the performance, I'm thinking of getting hold of some Eley Alphamax 36gm AAA or Lyalvale Super Game 36gm AAA or if I'm feeling exceedingly dumb Eley Alphamax Magnum 2 3/4 42gm BB, not sure I really want to go into 46gm or 50gm Gamebore Buffalo territory- I'll leave that for the Semi auto chaps! (having said that... might be a good excuse to get one...hmmm :hmm: ) I might just keep the BBs for drey busting and the AAAs for charlie... what are your choices?


I don't really want this to turm into a thread debating whether you should or should not shoot foxes with a shotgun so please just stick to ammo...




I shoot over hounds;

I use mainly Eley Alphamax or 2 3/4" Magnum AAA, for Foxing I have an old but clean Beretta 303 3 shot Semi, with an extra full Briley vented choke, the first two are as stated the third shell is usually a Lylevale SSG, or as we call them in Cornwall 'Pieces of Eight'.

I don't get many 'runners' so I must be doing it right.

The Semi Auto really filters the recoil out from these heavy cartridges, I would advise anyone who regularly shoots fox with a shotgun to get one.


Edited by andyf
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:gunsmilie: My favourite is Express Magnum max game No.1 46gr it pole axes foxes everytime out to 35-40 yards. AAA and SSG will suffer from poor patterns. Stick to BB or No.1 in 3" magnum 40-50gr though full choke will do the job fine. One thing to look for is a cartridge with a crimp end because this will give a better pattern :hunter:

Hi all, Just wonderin' what y'all use for charlie? I used Eley Maximum 34gm in BB last year and wasn't best pleased by the performance, I'm thinking of getting hold of some Eley Alphamax 36gm AAA or Lyalvale Super Game 36gm AAA or if I'm feeling exceedingly dumb Eley Alphamax Magnum 2 3/4 42gm BB, not sure I really want to go into 46gm or 50gm Gamebore Buffalo territory- I'll leave that for the Semi auto chaps! (having said that... might be a good excuse to get one...hmmm :hmm: ) I might just keep the BBs for drey busting and the AAAs for charlie... what are your choices?


I don't really want this to turm into a thread debating whether you should or should not shoot foxes with a shotgun so please just stick to ammo...




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Thanks for the replies, I'm going to get some 36 gram AAAs (and 36gm BBs for drey busting) and some 50 gram BBs to pattern next week hopefully.


if I could give y'all a heads up who use very tight chokes and big shot, I patterned some 34gm bbs the other week and found that 1/4 choke at 30 yd really isn't suitable- the pattern is much too open, 1/2 choke is good and even, with the pellets being on average about 2 to 21/2 inch apart from their nearest neighbor, but stepping up to 3/4 choke made for (though probably tighter- my paper wasn't large enough to catch all the pellets) a pattern with groups of about 7-9 pellets leaving a very gappy pattern so the general thought being the tighter the choke the better, I recommend you pattern your loads with the chokes you intend to use, you may be surprised and find that a more open choke actually gives you a better pattern! :o


I'll post the results of the patterning on here in due course!


Cheers :thumbs:



(I'm not looking forward to shooting those 50 gram loads much in my O/U!!)

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Yikes! that's some "heavy sh*t" you guys are shooting, perhaps look into Alphamax magnum 23/4 inch and 3 inch 42gm and 46gm respectively....- only thing is that they don't come in AAA- only BB- I did a pattern test the other day and found that 1/2 gives the best pattern (with BBs)- pretty even and good density- 3/4 on the other hand you end up with quite a gappy pattern with groups of 6 or so pellets together.

no 3 3inch elay alphamax good to 50 60 yards shot one last year stepped out 67 yards it never moved after it was hit

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I rarely go after the fox with a shotgun these days but always carry some BB and AAA in the belt just in case something turns up, can't say I ever had an issue with BB, think mine is 36, but its been in the belt so long its worn off! :doh::hmm:

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