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Two Day Ferreting Session..........!

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Just completed a two day ferreting contract to clear rabbits from some playing field embankments prior to a rabbit proof netting installation. Massive connected buries meant a lot of purse nets being used along with longnets as a back-up and to help divide the buries into manageable segments. We finished up with 27 rabbits........not a lot considering the work we put in, but we cleared most of what was there i'm sure. Two unusual things happened during the ferreting session, we had 2 rabbits in one purse net (something i hadn't seen for years) and also 2 rabbits heads sticking out of one bolthole as they both tried to bolt together and became stuck with the ferret behind. Anyway...........a few pictures of the day, and just look at all them holes. As an added note, none of the doe rabbits were carrying young.......and we never encountered any young either........ Normally we have to stop ferreting by now.......so things are very late this season.








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is that the quickset system you are using mate?they look nice healthy rabbits.atbthumbs.gif

Yes it's the quickset system........I prefer it for this type of work as it is less labour intensive than the traditional long net in my opinion. All the rabbits were in tip-top condition.

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