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young leveret

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hares breed all year round not just in march!

not round here they don't,I find lots right through the winter and feb 18 is the earliest round here,don't know where you got that from?wirralman

yes thats what i mean they dont just breed in march as you said you have seen young ones right through winter!!

so you do agree

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even though they are in young people still run/ shoot and catch them, to be honest they are killing it for everyone. ive been told people go out mid july for a run. they are only lieing to themselves

hares breed all year round not just in march!

not round here they don't,I find lots right through the winter and feb 18 is the earliest round here,don't know where you got that from?wirralman

yes thats what i mean they dont just breed in march as you said you have seen young ones right through winter!!

so you do agree

no,you misunderstood me,I mean I "find" lots of dead hares in a winter season between october time and feb,but have never seen any young inside them during this period,sorry for any confusion,I don't believe brown hares breed all year round,yis,wirralman

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in mild winters hares do continue breeding but as a rule courtship usually starts january til august sometimes later earliest your likely to see leverets is january brown hares gestation period is thought to be about 42 days although no one knows as very hard to study being nocturnal animals

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even though they are in young people still run/ shoot and catch them, to be honest they are killing it for everyone. ive been told people go out mid july for a run. they are only lieing to themselves as the dog cant catch a winter hare they have to run them in the summer. :wallbash::wallbash: peopel who are too thick to open their eyes to see waht they are doing to the sport. Rant over

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They are bucking now in ernest. I photographed three hares getting frisky a while ago even though there was snow on the ground. Undoubtedly there will be the odd hare born in january but its chance of survival will be miniscule. There is still so much we do not know about the hare, certainly one of our most mysterious mammals.... :victory:

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Irish hares certainly can breed all year round although the spring and summer is most common. In the early 80's I caught one on boxing day with two fully developed leverets inside which were still wriggling as I took the dead mother off my dog. I opened her up and reared the youngsters until they were the size of adult rabbits and then released them.

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the brown hare (lepus europaeus)starts its season end of december and has a gestation of 43 days,it will then set one to four young. fully haired.

they will be suckeled once a day for four weeks.


the hare has something special :icon_eek: superfoetaion. after the 36 day of pregnancy she can be mated again and become pregnant while the first litter is still unborn. magic :icon_eek:




Edited by waidmann
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went out saturday for the last time this season and saw a small leveret a brilliant book for anyone interested in anything to do with hares is jill masons book THE HARE full of interesting imformation on all the hares .

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