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how many in a night...your personal best?

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Sorry no pic,s, but 13 foxes from Govan Docks in Glasgow in the one night [4 hour,s] a bit of a cull there were to many, and only 4 smallish cubs, all shot with .22 Rimfire at a Huge Grain wheat store coming in off of ships, very good sport and getting paid for it as a night shift in my job :thumbs: and its still over run. :whistling:

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Four fox's in a evening is a PB for me shot on Martins ground last year.




As for rabbits it was off the back of a pick-up near Findon where we shot nearly 200 with a shotgun using 300 cartidges. The rolling hills and gorse scrub thickets made it perfect for 'shooting while rolling' with the lamp. No pics as they were all left where they were shot which is a terrible waste in hindsight but the keepers view was keen to get the 'job done' plus the fact that shotgunned rabbits would get rock bottom prices.


The most 'different' mixed bag was in Tasmania where I shot 11 kangeroos, 2 fox's, 20 odd rabbits and 23 Opussums (out of two trees - lined up like tin cans) on the lamp before running out of ammo. (.22 mag rimfire) I've got pics somewhere taken on a film camera if I can ever find them!

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