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(I'll just make the point again that we don't stand around taking photos of dogs on pigs. The photos are the best of hundreds that are shot on the run in to grab the pig. To stand around risks injury

The APDHA (Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters Association) had its annual general meeting withiun striking range of my place at the weekend and one of my mates (Steve) from had driven 14 hours to the

I'd only have one dog that big. Most of mine are around 3o kgs. As for getting them upset...be almost impossible mate. The whole concept of pig dogs is to have them determined but manageable. You can'

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On all our trackers we used shrink wrap initially and then either firehose or harness leather held in place with a hose clamp. Along the aerial we use lighter more flexible leather held in place with zip ties. Works well so far but not pretty. Some blokes in Oz are making covers out of PVC, some out of aluminium and others out of seatbelt. Get on Ozziedoggers if you want to check them out. Of course DC 30s aren't legal to use in Oz so I wouldn't be using one...must just look a bit like one...


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The guys on monteria have alloy ones too but they cost a bit you know how it is. Always keen to try new things. They say garmen gear is illegal here too :censored:


With the bike tube I coverd the entire areal right up so it didnt stick out at all it made no difference to the range which is good

Edited by Chriseden
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alrite ned only just found this thread and what a brilliant thread it is, goin back to one of your earlier posts about doin a book or something i think you should go for it got a lot of good hunting tales to tell that a hell of a lot of people would enjoy reading, cracking dogs you'v got there aswell. fair play to you mate :notworthy:

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Thanks for the responses. No, no bulldogs involved. The crosses in our dogs are listed a few times in the thread.


Hope to get up into the sorghum crop again tomorrow evening if all goes well. So we'll see if I end up with anything worthwhile to post...



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I'm back from the sorghum without a pig. Looks like they've switched back to night time feeding by the look of the tracks. I'll have another go this weekend.


In the meantime have a look at this things. My mate Brett, the bloke who's in the bull tying video and a few pix earlier in the thread, picked up this thing last night. I really happy for him. It's a top boar and the dogs did a huge job...

This is the story in Brett's words...


Went for a run last night and had some luck Bucks and Wolfie left the ute and were working along the creek edge and looking fairly keen and then I heard them hit the water which I wasn't too keen on. Having the Astro I was able to watch them work the opposite bank and then bee line it out onto the flat for about 800m and I could see they had him pulled up, konwing I had about a 20min trip back to the crossing I started heading back and worked my way around to where they had come out of the creek. I could see on the Astro that they were still swinging but would be knocking up a bit by now, so I let out Hassle and Coco who took off towards the other dogs. It still took me about 5 min to get to where they had him and he was really giving it to em, smashing the dogs into what ever he could find. I could see Wolfie was a bit worse for wear so I flipped and despatched him (the boar) quickly. Well done to the dogs I think he might go close to the 100 live and one of the better pigs I've caught this year. And thanks to a mate for driving 30 min to help me get some good pics.







The dog in this pix is Wolfie. He's out of a bitch of ours Cody (RIP) and one of the other dogs in the story Hassle is a brother to our Gina. The other dogs are Bucks, a bull arab bred by Lee Payne and Coco is a champion dane cross of Brett's. So no pigs for me but I'm claiming a couple of kilos of this one by proxy, ha ha.




PS. I think Brett is underestimating the weight. I reckon it would go over 100kgs dressed.

Edited by Ned Makim
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  • 2 weeks later...


Been a while between posts. I'm off tomorrow for a few days camped so I hope to have a pig or two to talk about during that break...but in other news...

Stan, Barney's brother has been killed in the hills outside Scone, NSW. Had a call tonight from ScottR who was working him for me to say the young dog had collapsed after catching a pig and died. He was punctured under the front leg and had a pen hole type poke back along the ribs. He was on a big sow when Scott got to him but he doesn't know what ripped him. It is the third dog to be killed on the same ridge. Scott said the sow was a 60 odd with plenty of fire but seemed to be without the teeth necessary to do the job on Stan. Incidentally one of the previous dogs killed had the same puncture under the front leg as Stan.

Not being there I have no idea but I'm guessing he grabbed the boar that poked him, got hit off and ran into the sow. Don't know, might have been a killer sow...

Scott was pissed off about the whole thing as you could imagine but I know he didn't let the dog down, it's just pig catching, there's always the risk. Stan was the Scotty the dog x Pepper pup that hyad spent three weeks at the vets with parvo as a youngster. He was bullaraby to look at rather than like our usual (or his brother Barney for instance) because he had a bullarab grandmother on his father's side. He was quick, could find like a champ and had plenty of ticker. He was a bright happy sort of dog that didn't fight or chase stock. He was about 16 or 17 months old (just can't put my hands on the notes ATM.)

Died on the job and you can't ask more of a dog than that.

RIP Stan.




Pix taken a couple of weeks ago after a touch up from another Scone boar.

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Sad news: any sort of hunting dog is in danger but those boar dogs take their lives in their hands every time don't they. I wonder if the puncture wounds by the front leg damaged the sac round the heart, allowing bleeding into the sac which in time clogs up the heart. I had a terrier killed like that from a bite between her front legs: only a fox, but the teeth or tooth must have been long enough. Or maybe a punctured lung?

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