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Staff Attack

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My wife and daughter have just returned home after exercising the dogs,my terrier bitch came limping in with a hole either side of her front leg after being bitten by a Staffy that wasn't wearing a collar,wasn't on a lead,and was with two young kids of about 9 or 10 years of age. :censored:

The Staffy had ran towards my wife and the dogs,the terrier bitch being a protective type had confronted the Staffy and a fight ensued.A young lad who was playing football helped my daughter to pull the dogs apart,but after she lifted the terrier,the Staffy jumped up and locked onto the terriers leg causing the damage.

Now before anyone suggests i find out who owns the dog and pays them a visit,i'm not the most diplomatic type and i don't fancy being locked up for knocking f**k out of some halfwit and his "chav hound" :censored:

Now obviously my terrier will require treatment,and i'm going to have the pleasure of shelling out the best part of £40 or £50 for a couple of staples and a course of antibiotics,all because some c**t has a powerful aggressive dog that they allow out under the supervision of young kids. :censored:

Now the Million Dollar Question,do i bite my tongue and put it down to experience,or do i get the police involved ? A grass i ain't,but what would have happened had the Staffy locked on my daughters arm ? or god forbid another smaller child ?

This is the 3rd or 4th time one or more of my dogs have been attacked without provocation by an out of control Staffy. :censored:

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dogs fight thats life, terriers are little feckers................the thing that would worry me was the risk to your daughter.....if she was picking the terrier up when the staff bit it could of been alot worse...my mrs lost a finger last year through dogs fighting in the strret......

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sorry to hear that bill hope Mrs and daughter are OK mate . :thumbs: ..john


Thanks for your concern John.My daughters not in the least bothered,but my wife's a bit shakey.Thankfully the wife and daughter are ok,and hopefully the terrier will be out and about again soon (she'll be sore tomorrow though).Bill :thumbs:

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I would report it without a doubt, it isn't about being a grass it is about reporting the fact that 2 kids were in control (or NOT as the case is) of a powerful dog that was aggressive, it shouldn't be allowed, whatever the breed and what happens if next time it does injure someone.



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get the police involed mate.IF you hear of a kid being bitten by that staff,think how bad you would feel,god hope not BUT,it could be your kid.



its that way of thinking that got pitbulls banned my dog bites dogs loves people and kids. i wouid go round and see them and just tell the parents.

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Id say Police mate (if they bloody do anyhting that is!) Mention the fact you'll need to get the dog to the vets and that you want them to pay for the damages.

And what if the dog attacks another dog and if say a wee kid trys to get it off and the dog escalates and turns on the kid. Best get it nipped in the bud and dealt with mate. Some people shouldnt own dogs like that especially if they cannae control them. Got a couple round here but they get a sharp kick with a pair of rig boots.

Hope everyone and the dogs ok mate




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My wife and daughter have just returned home after exercising the dogs,my terrier bitch came limping in with a hole either side of her front leg after being bitten by a Staffy that wasn't wearing a collar,wasn't on a lead,and was with two young kids of about 9 or 10 years of age. :censored:

The Staffy had ran towards my wife and the dogs,the terrier bitch being a protective type had confronted the Staffy and a fight ensued.A young lad who was playing football helped my daughter to pull the dogs apart,but after she lifted the terrier,the Staffy jumped up and locked onto the terriers leg causing the damage.

Now before anyone suggests i find out who owns the dog and pays them a visit,i'm not the most diplomatic type and i don't fancy being locked up for knocking f**k out of some halfwit and his "chav hound" :censored:

Now obviously my terrier will require treatment,and i'm going to have the pleasure of shelling out the best part of £40 or £50 for a couple of staples and a course of antibiotics,all because some c**t has a powerful aggressive dog that they allow out under the supervision of young kids. :censored:

Now the Million Dollar Question,do i bite my tongue and put it down to experience,or do i get the police involved ? A grass i ain't,but what would have happened had the Staffy locked on my daughters arm ? or god forbid another smaller child ?

This is the 3rd or 4th time one or more of my dogs have been attacked without provocation by an out of control Staffy. :censored:


Report the BAS***D! RSPCA or dog warden, not worth talking to the Bill.

There was no damage to your wife or daughter so the plods won't want to know.

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