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Won't strike

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Any advice welcome. Dog is now 15months old. Started getting him interested when he was about six months old and he caught his first rabbit. Not wanting to push him too hard I backed off and only took him out for four or five runs every three-four weeks. After about four months he still hadn't caught another so I stoped completey so as he didn't get too frustrated. Started running him again now he is finished growing but he just will not strike and pick them up. He is right on top of them and could do it easily but he just chases. Any sugestions.

I feel that the only way would be to run him with another dog, problem is I don't know of anyone local to me, I'm in herefordshire. Can anyone help.

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Any advice welcome. Dog is now 15months old. Started getting him interested when he was about six months old and he caught his first rabbit. Not wanting to push him too hard I backed off and only took him out for four or five runs every three-four weeks. After about four months he still hadn't caught another so I stoped completey so as he didn't get too frustrated. Started running him again now he is finished growing but he just will not strike and pick them up. He is right on top of them and could do it easily but he just chases. Any sugestions.

I feel that the only way would be to run him with another dog, problem is I don't know of anyone local to me, I'm in herefordshire. Can anyone help.

We had one like that it was 18 months old till it started picking them up, my dad took him out while he was picking the snares in, he started grabbing them in the snares, he,s been fine since, he was a whippet x salukie, dawn

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I would def try to get someone else along with an experienced dog.. allow him to watch.. listen.. and he'll soon get the idea.


I have a piece of rag and fox tail on a line... get my lad to run round the garden dragging it.... then I slip the dog.. always let them catch it... big praise.. :thumbs:


Am sure in the season you will be posting about his catches :yes:


Good luck...

Edited by mooshka
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my lurcher was the same, just let her keep running them until the penny dropped. I did start taking a tennis ball out again for her on walks yo get ger use to lifting a moving target again.



The tennis ball, is a good idea for striking at a target. But regards rabbits, [big] differnce to a ball.The dog might be holding back before it strike's at them. What you want to do, is take it ferret'in when they it the nets, let the dog have a good smell of it in the net. Chin the rabbit, let the dog hold it praise it then take it of it. Once it does this a few times, it will get more [confident] and you should be ok. Dont forget lamping can be hard for young dogs, till it all [Clicks]= Agilty+speed. :victory:

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rrrrr really mate ya not the only one mines doing it now fast as f*ck but just will not pik the up hes even had 4 hares with my whippet but i took him out the other day i he did have a go at strikeing but he never got it gutner but i hope he starts properly and good luk with yours as well mate

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Young dogs can take time to figure it out. I remember one season back in the UK, my mate had bull/grey and I had a collie/greyxsaluki. Both dogs would run a hare all over a field back and forth and never get hold of the hare. my mates patterdale killed four hares they were coursing before they got the hang of it. You just got to be patient some of the slowest developers turn into the best dogs.


All the best Dirtwinger

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Any advice welcome. Dog is now 15months old. Started getting him interested when he was about six months old and he caught his first rabbit. Not wanting to push him too hard I backed off and only took him out for four or five runs every three-four weeks. After about four months he still hadn't caught another so I stoped completey so as he didn't get too frustrated. Started running him again now he is finished growing but he just will not strike and pick them up. He is right on top of them and could do it easily but he just chases. Any sugestions.

I feel that the only way would be to run him with another dog, problem is I don't know of anyone local to me, I'm in herefordshire. Can anyone help.




had same problem with black dog in my signature ,,,,,behind rabbit,s but wouldnt strike,,,,and speed wasnt an issue with him,,,,to be honest i thought he wouldnt catch a rabbit,,,then all off a sudden he was knocking them down,,,, he,s a racer 1st so i only give him daytime rabbits,,but i do like them to take rabbits as part of there training ,that,s why i was worried i thought i had a dog that would chase ,,but wouldnt strike,,then he was 18 months , every time i take him out the hunting head is on no stopping him now,,killing anything that moves ,,


if my racer can,,,iam sure ur lurcher can ,,just some take longer than other,s

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