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A nice Roe Buck

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I havent really posted much on the forum, but just wanted to share my outings with a few. Got myself settled down in the corner of a field over looking a wheat field and 15 mins later this chap pops out of the woodland. He was taken with a .30-06 at 15 yards remmy core lokt, lung shot but went down instantly and he's now in my freezer


p.s Hello to all the deer stalkers on here


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There's one better place than the freezer, and that's cooked on the plate! Just in the process of helping some muntjac ribs make the transition from freezer to plate - marinading in maple syrup, soy sauce and chilli.

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There's one better place than the freezer, and that's cooked on the plate! Just in the process of helping some muntjac ribs make the transition from freezer to plate - marinading in maple syrup, soy sauce and chilli.

look at gordan ramsey over hear lol.

sound spot on mate. :clapper: :sick: :clapper:

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I havent really posted much on the forum, but just wanted to share my outings with a few. Got myself settled down in the corner of a field over looking a wheat field and 15 mins later this chap pops out of the woodland. He was taken with a .30-06 at 15 yards remmy core lokt, lung shot but went down instantly and he's now in my freezer


p.s Hello to all the deer stalkers on here


did you stalk it or did it come to you, if you stalked it you did very well

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I missed a 15 yard shot at a roe buck last trip north of the border!!! Chest shot as well!!! Don't quite know what went wrong but I think it was a combination of rushing the shot and the 'anywhere in the chest will do' theory. It ran off about forty yards and stood broadside looking at me, only for me to have a mis-fire. It then ran another 50 yards and looked back, after giving myself a bit of a talking to I composed myself, calmed down, and shot it off sticks, dropping it on the spot . If someone had been videoing it it would have been worth watching as a 'how not to stalk roe buck' lesson.

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Cheers for all the replies fella's, yeah the shot was at 15 yards. I walked up along a field edge to some woodland, then I sat down for a while behind a fallen tree, 20 mins thereafter a Roe Buck slowly came out to around 15-18 yards and started walking into the wheat field, so i stopped him for a moment by clicking my tongue and that was the end of him shall we say. There wasnt as much damage as I thought there would have been (bullet used was a remmy core lock-d soft point .30-06), heart and lungs were vaporised but that was about it, liver and kidneys were fine so they were had for breakky.



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