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  1. Splashed out today went out and upgraded my lamping setuo from a Clulite CB2 to a Lightforce Striker and Lithium 22ah Battery and im well chuffed with myself! Think of putting a 75watt or 50watt bulb in instead of the 100watt to get even longer out of a charge what do you lads think?
  2. its five past twelve im bored out my nutt off for a bit of lamping with my 2 bull x's atb josh..
  3. got a decent pic of the pup and thought i would share it what you think.
  4. Red lurcher dog missing/stolen from Allenwood area of Kildare. Last seen on Sat 14th Jan 2012. Dog stands at 29in high, I bred & reared this dog so i'm eager for his return.I am willing to give a REWARD OF 500 EURO to anyone who leads to his return.Any information will be kept strictly confidential If you think you have seen him or might know of his whereabouts please contact me. Stevie Quinn Tel; 0877836412
  5. wonder if anyone has a bitch for sale,, i know its late in season but my bitch was taken ?? so i need a bitch to walk out hunting odd rabbits on lamp,cant post in wanted,,so i am hoping some one has a young bitch somewhere for me .. ive looked all over for my bitch been lost since 23rd of december,,so i need to move on nd get another,, any help would be very welcome
  6. Anyone have any tips on getting a fussy lurcher to eat well? She loves tinned food but does really badly on it- and I hate giving her tins! She hates dried food We give her mainly RMB diet which suits her when she eats enough. Somedays she likes certain things and sometimes she doesnt. She loves offal but is it a bit rich to give her too much? I think so. She seems to prefer eating when my husband comes home We have a plentiful supply of good meat as we are butchers- just got a fussy dog! All help welcome- thanks
  7. Ok dont know much bout this cross, whats the average (normal) height and best percentages for an all out rabbiter. And how do they compare to beddy grey.
  8. Does anybody know does using different filters on rabbits make a difference if so can anybody recommend what colours toodle dooo
  9. few pics of the pups, all 3 very fat and healthy. gonna be difficult picking one of these for myself. other 2 are spoken for so happy days. hope you like them.
  10. has anybody ever crossed foxhound with a greyhound , and would this be a good cross any ideas lads , atb joe
  11. just curious what you prefer for an overall lurcher. e.g. temperment, trainability drive. anything! tell us what you think.
  12. just wondering, i started my subscription to this mag last month and got the dec issue. but havnt received the jan issue. is it issued later in the month? just checking my sub fine
  13. A local lurcher lad has a litter of 1/2 bull 1/2 Russell put to a greyhound bitch, just my opinion but a waste of a litter, the sire is 15 inch tts and the bitch is 27 so PUPS could turn out any proportion.what's your view on this x and what would or could it take
  14. My bull BITCH gave birth to 7 PUPS on new years day. In labour 20 hours, 2 PUPS were still born despite vigorous rubbing to revieve etc. She refused to feed remaining 5 PUPS and dumped the runt...so im left hand rearing 5 PUPS... 3 PUPS are very keen on a slow flow baby bottle but the other 2 only have a couple of sucks then spit it owt.. My vet advised full fat goats milk rather than lactol or whelpie im currently. Adding a drop of natural pro-biotic yoghurt... Any advice on anything else to feed or to get the 2 weak PUPS to suck, I was advised against lactol etc due to high constipation risk
  15. Iv just started to do a bit of running on a night so far only 2 miles all roadwork and iv been taking dogs with me and I was wondering if when I start to go further if this would have a bad effect on my dogs paws/joints/tendons etc. or would it possibly help strengthen them? Before the dogs never really went on roads at all their execrise was running around the smallholding, following me on the horse, walks through local fields chasing a ball and lamping and this gets them fit enough for what I want
  16. This is my 10 month old bitch laguna whippet 18''. what do ya think.
  17. is the poachers forum any good, saw it advertised in the edrd mag?
  18. anyone got any litters or know of any, im thinking of getting one.
  19. ive seen posts of whippetxbull's, just wondering if anyone knows that jp still breeds them or not. and if he has any litters coming soon.
  20. looking for a litter up now or due soon. bull whippet or bull grey x whippet. in the north west area. any breeders or help would be great
  21. a bitch of mine has just recently dislocated her front outside toe, managet to put it back in for her and gently wrap it up. just hope that this isnt going to be an injury that keeps happening to her now. anyone had this problem or any experience with it? cheers phil
  22. What would be better for daytime/lamping rabbits A full whippet or a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy?
  23. What would a greycollie x whippetbull be like for work, mainly lampin alrounder?
  24. how does a BULL X WHIPPET run compared with a WHIPPET, running bunnies and long ear. how do they turn and are they bursty and agile? anyone with experience or any videos of one running. im curious to how good they are.
  25. hi, i'm new to this forum but had a few dogs. basically i like the look of bull crosses and the attributes they bring to a dog ( gameness etc) but was wondering whats best to cross it with. I will mainly be hunting rabbits but would like it to handle bigger quarry, and something that's quick off the spot. and what percentages are best and on what side (sire dam). not too familiar with all the breeding business you see . i would rather it be real better on rabbits if that helps. thanks.
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