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Everything posted by mattyg1086

  1. I thought that if you were into that sort of thing once a dog was clearly more dominant over the other by several pins to the floor the fight was stopped so that both dogs lived to fight another day. Not letting them tear chunks out of each other. Just out of interest I do not believe any of them were true pit bulls especially that big brown staff x bull mastiff thing. They didn't look too competent handling them either
  2. Maybe a new magazine called the hunting life maybe?? Which would include all the different topics of this site fishing shooting cars dogs food everything
  3. Thanks guys I guess what I'm after is a general country pursuits magazine for people like me who have to work and raise kids etc. But live for the precious times when we can get out and go fishing or shooting or run the dogs. And bits on food and general country living
  4. I have been reading anglers mail, shooting times , and the country man's weekly for a long time off and on. I keep reading comments on earth dog running dog but have never seen it for sale. My question is what is the best magazine for someone who loves being outdoors fishing, shooting, with the dogs.
  5. If there isn't a separation date then tell him if he has a trusted mate who is self employed then he can give the money to him and he can say he was buying into the business and and if it's before the agreed date then it's all his and then he can ''sell'' his share of the business after the divorce and get his money back and his mate can getthe interest what little there will be
  6. mattyg1086


    I'm 27 and have 2 children a 2 and a half year old girl and a 4 month old girl. Where I live we were the youngest couple when we went to anti natal classes with our first. I think you should have children in your 20's and maybe early 30's because you are young enough to have the energy to play with them all day still, but I am married and we own our own house if you are not in a stable relationship or at least mature enough to take some responsibility for the child then you shouldn't have one. I have seen supposed fathers my age waiting outside the school with a can of lager on the go, what
  7. I power lift three times a week. A grown man's dose is about 5 grams per day more if loading however it is bad for you and must be cycled like a steroid. I.e. If you take it for four weeks you must not take it for four weeks. You are correct about the water and the kidney damage, it also hardens the heart and if not used correctly is very dangerous like taking large doses continually as any doctor will tell you, also any benefit is largely gone once you stop it. I believe giving this much to a dog is not good for the dogs health however I don't know how it would metabolise in a dogs system i
  8. I'm new to working dogs but have owned a couple of staffordshires in my life just as pets, a dog and a bitch. In my experience the bitch was easier to train and more willing to please than the dog i currently own. I was once told by an old boy who worked dogs and shot all his life that a dog works for himself where as a bitch will work for you and he would only keep bitches because of it. Has anyone else found this or is it just a wacky old man's opinion. He owned gsp's by the way
  9. Thank you anyone on here from bedford/bedfordshire ?
  10. Thank you, I'm enjoying browsing all the different sections. Gets me through my night shifts at work
  11. I stumbled upon this forum and have been reading the lurcher section for a while, I am 27 and have two small children who have hampered the outdoor fun a bit but am always looking to do some more. I currently own a staffy which in my opinion is one of the best family dogs there is. They're not knick named the nanny dog for no reason. Any way I am looking to learn all that I can about lurcher and working them before I own one and am interested in rabbit and rough shooting, air rifle and shotgun. I am looking for permission myself but if anyone needs a hand or wouldn't mind me tagging alo
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