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Everything posted by mick

  1. Great news Will have to catch up before you go Mick..
  2. Nice dogs Used to keep my 600 bandit in the hall it was the only place the little **** couldnt get to it Mick..
  3. UK SUBS great band jasper Mr Harper still touring now Me mate graham drinks with him and animal from the leauge up nottingham theres still a good punk seen up there Mick..
  4. Cracking looking dogs Can you let me know a bit about the breeding in them Really gonna have to get me kennels finnished so i can get me self a new dog Cheers mick..
  5. Very nice whats the breeding Mick..
  6. Decent vet theres not many about me youngest lads hopeing to become a vet hope he does it will save me and me mates a fortune Mick..
  7. Some cracking tracks there When i was younger we were all punks skinheads and pysco billys best time of my life if i could go back in time id be straight back to do it all again and see the mates that have passed on Punks not dead its allways with you Mick..
  8. Just got me border at the moment looking for a little lurcher to go with her. Lookind at a beddy/whippet or a 3/4 whippet/beddy or something along those lines Cheers for the picture shes a good looking girl Mick..
  9. Nobody keeping little lurchers then Mick..
  10. Thought it was about time the little lurchers got a lookin so lets get some pictures up of your whippet based little ones Mick..
  11. Nice looking pup lindsay Hes looking good Stork Mick..
  12. I scare meself just in the garden When we lived in the highlands we watched a film onenight your probable all seen it dog soldiers. Well it finnished i took the dog out got about 5 feet from the door looked at the forest then the dog went into one and we were both inside with the door bolted and the wife takeing the piss out of me. Mick..
  13. Have to go with cannine kennels aswell Had mine for about 10 years no rust no maintenance if you want to move it you just unbolt it. Mick..
  14. Moulton collage Have to go there every Thursday night as me lad has football practice there Bloody hate football mick..
  15. Nice looking pup Bet you cant wait till shes bigger Mick..
  16. I think its disgusting how another person can nick someones dogs just to make a bit of money out of them selling them on or they just cant be bothered doing the training for themselves and they want a trained dog Hope you get them back mate Mick..
  17. Just bring it home and tell your mum the lad was going to have it put down as he couldnt find a home for it Your mum will say how terrible and how loverly the pup is and there you are your got another dog Mick..
  18. Thats a very nice dog Love the brindles Mick..
  19. There just a reprint of this book Mick..
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