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Coypu Hunter

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Everything posted by Coypu Hunter

  1. Happy hunting! If you get anything in writing via email from your local environmental chappie, do please post it here!
  2. How do your locals hunt? Like my neighbours, i.e. with an unlicensed 12-gauge after a few glasses of red? From what I've read, you can use a bolt-action .22LR on anything that doesn't have hooves, according to the ONCFS, unless your local department says otherwise. Just leave the silencer at home. "La carabine 22 LR a réarmement manuel et à percussion annulaire est une arme à canon rayé classée en catégorie C, soumise à déclaration. Son acquisition et sa détention sont autorisées au chasseur. Mais son utilisation est interdite pour le tir du grand gibier, puisque selon l’article 3 de
  3. How typical for France! The references I give above seem to play back to the Code de la santé publique, but drilling down into their site only throws up references to the dératisation of ships. The circular mentioned is referenced on the Brittany Légifrance site, but of course it's one of the few documents that doesn't have a link to the source file...
  4. This one mentions individuals as well as public organisations and food outlets: https://deratisation.ooreka.fr/comprendre/reglementation-deratisation
  5. Here too: Règlementations concernant la dératisationLa loi impose de se protéger efficacement contre les rongeurs (règlements sanitaires départementaux et circulaire du 9 août 1978, art. 125.1 et 130.5). En France, les établissements spécialisés dans la restauration et qui proposent de la nourriture à des consommateurs doivent régulièrement mettre en œuvre une dératisation et une désinsectisation (article 17 de l'arrêté ministériel du 9/05/95). Ainsi, les restaurants, les cantines, les hôtels, les crèches, les cafés, les salons de thé, les grandes surfaces, les épiceries, les boulangerie
  6. One point that I have found consistently, is that in the legislation the species listed as nuisible never includes brown or black rats, though all the other hunted species are listed by name. In fact, I've never found any reference to brown rats in any legislation, and this is what my environmental officer was saying, that rats are treated differently to other animals due to the very serious health risk they pose to the population, rather than just environmental damage. He made the point that, whilst I am at liberty to leave the other nuisible alone if I want, I am obligated to destroy the rat
  7. Hump101's environment officer seems to have a clear view which differs from the ONCFS position. Just wondering if it's the same situation as with the French tax office, where every different tax employee gives you a different interpretation of the rules...
  8. Just to put things into perspective, one of my neighbours shoots coypu with a crossbow. The text says that you can use a firearm to destroy pests in a trap, although it doesn't specify what a firearm is. Also says that you need a PdC to "destroy pests by shooting" (presumably those not in a trap). My neighbour's interpretation of the law is "Don't get caught".
  9. The hunting license is it necessary for the destruction of pests? Not totally clear, but I interpret that as being that you cannot shoot vermin. Difficult to tell from the Google (or whatever) translation. Can you post the original French, or a link to it?
  10. I'll get on to mine. Could the environment officer put something in writing, maybe by email?
  11. Apparently so. Shooting on other people's land without permission is illegal though, just be aware... If you declare the rifle at time of booking, and make sure they know it's safe (using a trigger lock, or maybe a lockable case) then there shouldn't be a problem. If it's 12 fpe, the rifle is legal in both jurisdictions without a gun licence.
  12. Another glorious victory over freedom for the Scottish National Socialist Party...
  13. That's just a list of insects and other pests handled by pest controllers. As I'm sure you know, the brain of a coypu is located, as with many mammals, above the centre of a line drawn between the eye and the base of the ear. Unless the beastie was quartering away from you, you missed the sweet spot. Side-on, shoot just behind the eye. If it's facing you, aim for the eye, and the pellet should follow the optical canal into the brain. With a 22LR, anywhere around the top of the cranium means lights out.
  14. I too was under the impression that you could not shoot any live animal using an air rifle. So much so that I have hardly used it in almost four years except to ahem, accidentally 'deter' a coypu on the farm pond where we used to rent a cottage. Contrary to mapletree's advice above, I found that the 14 ft/lb (19joule) .177 wasn't man enough to 'deter' the coypu no matter how many times it strayed into my line of fire. Shame that coypu aren't classed as nuisibles or I might have invested in a .22 rimfire. The Pros Sport won't really go much further than 19 Joules as far as I know. Coy
  15. Interesting. The French airgunning forum I belong to is absolutely adamant that air rifles may not be used on any live quarry, even though I also have never found any reference to this in the published hunting legislation. My local gunsmith, however, will happily sell you a Weihrauch springer while saying "this one's brilliant for shooting rats!"
  16. You got it. Don't be nervous about joining your local club, most pistol clubs I've been to have plenty of British ex-pats enjoying the freedom to own and shoot pistols. The French members also tend to welcome anyone who shoots, no matter where they're from.
  17. The limit for air pistols without a gun licence is also 20 joules, although you don't see many for sale at that power rating. They (and air rifles) are classified as Category D firearms, so you just need to be over 18 to buy one like this: http://www.arprotech.com/shop/zoraki-hp-01-ultra-5-5mm-15-30-joules.html Category D covers various firearms, plus air weapons between 2 and 20 joules. h) Armes et lanceurs dont le projectile est propulsé de manière non pyrotechnique avec une énergie à la bouche comprise entre 2 et 20 joules
  18. Sorry for the late reply, for some reason the site stopped sending me emails about posts on this thread. If you are given or find any firearm or air rifle over 20 joules, then technically you should obtain either a licence de tir (easily done by joining a local pistol club, and some gunshops will even issue you with one) or a permis de chasse (more expensive and requires an exam), then you can fill out a declaration of ownership and send it off the the local Préfecture, who will rubber-stamp it. The Déclaration is for life, unless your licence lapses, in which case you should surrender the
  19. You hunt slugs? Strewth... I've heard of vermin control, this must be Extreme Vermin Control...
  20. I have a Browning Buckmark semi-auto 22LR, but you wouldn't catch me using it inside a structure! That's why I have the CO2 pistols -- for rats in me chicken shed, for example. No ricochets, and no holes in the corrugated iron! Why? How do you think an injured horse/cow etcetera is dispatched if there's no vet immediately available? Usually shot at close range? Snared or cage trapped, yes outside if possible, but we are talking humane dispatch of a trapped/injured animal, not a regular occurrence as with dispatching for food or shooting vermin. With a light .22 ammunition load th
  21. I have a Browning Buckmark semi-auto 22LR, but you wouldn't catch me using it inside a structure! That's why I have the CO2 pistols -- for rats in me chicken shed, for example. No ricochets, and no holes in the corrugated iron!
  22. There's nowt wrong with CO2 pistols if you get the right one. No recoil, so more accurate than spring pistols. I use a Crosman 2240 single-shot .22 on magpies and rats out to 20 yards or so. It puts out around 6fpe in factory guise. Mind you, externally it's been pimped a bit... and in this guise it's deadly accurate. The pistol I use inside structures is the Crosman Vigilante. Spits out 8.4-grain pellets at around 460 fps, for around 4 fpe, and the power can be increased slightly by adding a shim to the front face of the hammer. It has adjustable sights, and rails for fitting a
  23. Let me be clear here, are you saying you can order a 12ft lb rifle from abroad for shipment to your UK home address? I've never thought about that, makes a mockery of UK Law if that is the case, and seems very unfair on UK dealers! Cheers Yup, the rifle will turn up via DPD within 3-4 days. It certainly makes a mockery of the prices that Hull Cartridge pass on to UK dealers. From what I've read, only Sportsmanguncentre, who import directly from Germany and bypass Hull Cartridge, can compete with European prices. Oh yeah, if you want anything BSA, look in Spain. Free tr
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