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the big chief

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Everything posted by the big chief

  1. wont let me post a pic can someone else do it
  2. I would suck a fart out of her arse
  3. its on quest now that page on there is a stunner oh ya would lol
  4. should be good bunny dogs though
  5. that's one big shoe in the last pic
  6. what ? it was a site just like this then brung out a magazine too but it shut down and went on face book last time I new
  7. he the fb thing that's why the site shut
  8. get a pic up not seen one for years round my way
  9. Give that a miss thanks or is there lurchers aloud this time ?
  10. Shamless plug there jd lol good pic though put me down for book mate
  11. Keep him in a month just get him so fit then hopefully it won't happen again nothing worse when that happens its a real pain in the arse
  12. I had one what did the same never stopped it keep it in for a while get it much fitter it may stop
  13. A bit different to the timid little thing you last saw mate. defo dean mine are still cocky fuckers lol
  14. won't be long now dean pups looking well
  15. fek me andy that will keep me going for agers lol cheers buddy
  16. look at some of the old stick threads on hear it shows you how to make them iff ya stuck on how to make it pm me and I will talk you through it its pretty simple
  17. Cheers zandy I am not impressed with the line to me they could be alot neater but hay what do I no only done it twice lol. You have a pm on its way buddy
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